Chapter 18

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The two teens stared at the ice cream board in interest. They were trying to figure out what they wanted. Edward cupped his chin "I think I'll try Chocolate" (Y/n) squinted her eyes until she saw the flavor she desired.

The best one of them all.


The best, in her opinion. "I'll get (F/i.c). The best one of course" Edward laughed as she 'flipped' her hair. Once they got their creams, they walked out and stared at the darkened sky. "Ed," He looked down at her as she held her head down. "Thank you"

He stayed quite, letting her continue. "I've been stressed ever since Alex came into play, taking Ciel and the others friendship from me." She gave him a bright, shining smile. "Thank you, Edward. Really" She hugged him and kissed his nose, loving how his cheeks heated up at the simplest thing.


They both looked over to see "C-Clayton?" Said male walked over to the blonde. "I didn't know you came to these par--" He stopped once he saw the girl next to him. She smiled at him "Aw, your Clayton. The dude in the same band as Ed and the others. You're so fucking shy in front of girls, it's adorable" As if one cue, he blushed and grew flustered as she stepped closer. "I-I..Uh"

Edward narrowed his eyes at the two "So, why are you here again Clayton" The ravenette stiffened at the way he said his name. "Im just walking, that's all" The girl looked up at the blonde boy "Speakin' of your concert, I should come to your next one"

Edward smiled "Yeah, maybe you'll like it" He gave her a wink and she shook her head with a smirk. Clayton put two and two together, this must've been the girl he was talking about at lunch. (Y/n) checked her phones time and her face slumped "Damn.. I gotta go, dudes" Clayton adjusted his glasses "How come?"

"It's late. I got shit to do in the morning. I'm clearin' out my locker" Clayton's eyes went wide "You're the one everyone talking about!?" She nodded "Yup. And I dont regret anything that I did. They finally decided to kick me out the system" Edward's face fell "Kick you out the system? But this is your last year, they can't do that"

She scoffed "I know, those bitches. I really looked forward to Prom actually. That and the future dances were having soon...Well, yall will be havin' them, not me" She yawned and turned away, waving at them "Bye, bitches!"

No matter how she tried to hide it, (Y/n) really didnt want to leave the system, cause if she did...

She'd have to leave and train properly to become the official Heir


Cheslock threw his hands down on the table "They cant do that!" Edward nodded "That's what I said!" Joanne fiddled with his hands "Well.. She did attack that girl.." Clayton turned to him "Well, apparently, she was defending herself." Elizabeth rubbed her eyes and sniffed "I dont want (Y/n) to leave... W-We were going to go to the dance together since she didnt want to go!" She cried into her palms as Edward pat her back.

The Perfcets were still in class but the little group before us had study hall, therefore, they all went to the Library to discuss matters. Clayton, luckily, didnt say Edward was with (Y/n). But, he did bring up that he talked to her.

Then it loaded to what she had said about her leaving the school. "I'm sure we can talk to her before she leaves, what times did she say she was she was cleaning out her locker?" Joanne looked to Edward in question as he checked his phone. "Around one forty. Not far from now" Everyone paled as they stared at the blonde boy. He looked up with a lifted brow "What?"

Cheslock pointed to the clock on the wall "Dude.."

"It's one forty-five"


The (h/c) haired girl placed a few pennies she found in her bag. She looked back inside to find a box of unopened colored pencils. "Huh.. When the fuck did I have this?" She shrugged and placed it inside.


She looked back to see a blunette and a blonde standing behind her. Alois glared at the girl and strode up, lifting his hand. He brought it down but yelped when it connected with one of the lockers next to them. "You little--How dare you harm Alex!" Ciel walked over and looked at her bag to her locker. "What are you doing?"

She slammed the locker and lifted her bag "Leavin'. They took me out the system" Ciel's eyes went wide while Alois laughed "You get what you deserve!" The girl grit her teeth and did something she's actually been wanting to do to him ever since he showed up.


The two boys stared at her in suprise. Alois was yanked down to her level, their eyes connecting "You know what Trancy. I'm tired of your shit and you make this even easier for me when I look on the bright side. I dont give two flying fucks about Alex or how you feel towards her, I don't care if your choking on your own blood and no one can save you, I don't care about any of you. I'll be glad once I'm gone, I wont have to see you for the rest of my fucking life"

She pushed him back and walked off. Her brother had called later that night after her date. He was going to take her to the airport this week, two days later really, sending her straight to the (L/n) company to learn under her father and his colleague.

As Alois watched her leave, he couldn't help but stare. She just slapped him. She told him off. But then, he smiled. He rubbed the mark she gave him with lowered eyes.

That little sadistic shit

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