Chapter 54

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Subaru squinted his eyes and sat up, looking at his door before turning around and going back to sleep. But, his door was kicked open. Subaru growled as the girl stood in his room and danced around "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP 'CAUSE OF Y'ALL! Y'ALL NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP 'CAUSE OF ME!"


Yuma glared at her as he and Ayato appeared at Subaru's door. (Y/n) smiled "Oh, good. I'm waking you all up. Shu's gonna be the hardest but I can make it work" She went to the door and pushed past them, smacking her pans.

Slowly, more of the brothers popped in with tired looks and annoyance clear on their face. She smiled as the all "C'mon, we got school to go to" Reiji shook his head "Did you have to wake us in this fashion?" She chuckled "Tougo-San actually wanted me to do it"

The steps of Karl alerted them as he stood next to (Y/n), patting her head "And she happily did so. Now, all of you prepare yourselves. You have classes to attend"

While they all dispersed and went about their ways, (Y/n) looked up to Karl "Do you have to go to a meeting today?" Karl sighed "Sadly, yes" (Y/n) groaned and leaned on the tall albino "Why can't you just take me with you and say I'm sick. I'm already tired of School and I've been there for a day"

Karl chuckled as they stopped near his bedroom door downstairs, hugging each other as he laid his chin ontop of her head "I wish I could" A small quiet atmosphere came over them as they had their little moment. Karlheinz smirked at feeling of something staring at him. He glanced back to see his short purple haired Son.

However, he let (Y/n) go and lift her chin "Watch over them, don't get into any trouble" (Y/n) chuckled as he sat a hand on her cheek "Fine, Father. I wont" Karlheinz kissed her forehead while she just dismissed it, walking away from him.

"Try Daddy for a change"

(Y/n) stopped and looked back for Karl but, he wasnt there. She turned around and skuttled away, a bit creepied out with what had happened.

The purplette that was watching glared at her 'Disgusting...That's all she wants, lust...' He turned around and left the hall, going to t he front where the others were waiting.

'She doesn't really love us...She lied to us'

'Just like Alex-Chan said'


(Y/n) grabbed a few things out of her locker before she closed it and yelped at seeing the person behind it, holding her chest steady.

"Claude, what the fuck!"

Before the tall Male could speak, another popped in behind him with a bright smile "(Y/n)! I heard you came back!" (Y/n) glared at the blonde "The fuck do you two need?" Alois giggled and sat his hands on her shoudlers, pushing her forward as Claude followed "Oh, (Y/n)! Love, you're so funny!"

The girl tried to stop him as he pushed her in the halls "Alois, stop" Alois pushed her into a dark room, closing the door while she skidded to the center "What's wrong? I can't say welcome back to my friend?" (Y/n) glared at him "Alois, I was never your friend. Why the hell is Claude even here?" She looked around, there was no way that this would end up in a clean way.

"Oh. No reason.."

(Y/n) paused as Claude lift her up by forearms, letting her swing while. (Y/n) looked around and tried swinging her legs back but that didn't seem to work on him. She saw a small streaks of light hit the room from the blocked windows infront of her as a smirking Alois stepped in.

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