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you and i,

we're lines.





circling, circling,

toward and away from each other.

our relationship didn't die.

nobody killed it.

yet it feels like that anyway.

—a gradual decay of something half-formed

left rotten and discarded in our chests.

we didn't strangle it, but

we left it

starving, suffocating, withering out.

i want to trace the line back,

to the moment before i put you in trouble,

to the moment before i boarded the plane,

to the moment before i shred the old me completely,

to the moment before i get away from you,

from us.

i want to find that point in our relationship

when things start unravelling,

when "we" reverses to "you" and "i,"

"us" and "our" become "yours" and "mine."

want pin down that singular prick of separation,

where "that best friend oversea" no longer define us

where "strangers"

no longer stings.

we don't talk anymore.

i've to scrutinise the class photo for hours

to find your face.

it's been so long for both of us,

been so long for me

to forget how you look like,

to forget how you sound.

to forget your existence from my life,

to alter your memory in my head.

it's been long enough that

our lines begins to

run parallel to each other,

grown so far apart

and lost each other, amongst many other lines.

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