Chapter 4

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For the beginning of this chapter I recommend the song Girls in the Hood by Megan Thee Stallion but for the end I recommend the song Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift


I can feel my eyes come out of my head as soon as his lips touch my cheek. I look at him. "Why did you just kiss my cheek?!"

"So the guy would leave you alone. Xander and I saw you guys through the window, he was clearly trying to flirt with you, and Mack said he gave you a free coffee." Dan yell whispers to me. This didn't make sense how would Mack know about the free coffee.

"He was just being friendly! Dan if I needed your help or if I needed you to do something like that then I would just ask you." I practically yell at him. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, I shut the door and sit on the floor. Ugh! The first time a boy has ever noticed me and Dan just had to do something stupid to mess it up. He owes me big time, and poor Dean. He must think that I actually have a boyfriend and that is not the concept of this situation.

Dan has always been protective of me like I was his sister but he's never done something to make a boy jealous. Someone knocks on the door, "Hey, Emily, I'm sorry. I thought that you didn't want him flirting with you. I never meant to make you mad. I was just trying to protect you. I thought it was the nice thing to do but now I see that I messed up big time." Dan explains. I open the door to see him and I do what I least expected, I hug him.

"As much as I want to be mad at you, your intentions were good. Thank you, but if you ever do that again, I will personally run you over with my car." I say with a small smile, making its way on my face.

We walk back to the couch and Mack starts laughing, "Are- are you," she says through laughs, "are you okay. Em, I've never seen you leave a place so fast." Mack finally gets out. I glare at her.

"Maybe I owe Dean an explanation," I say as they nod their heads in agreement. I walk over to him. "This is not what it looks like."

He laughs, "Usually when a girl has a boyfriend she shouldn't flirt with other guys, but it's fine, I'm happy to know now before I did something even dumber."

"He's not my boyfriend, he's my best friend, who treats me like his little sister," I tell him, "you weren't flirting with a taken girl, you were flirting with a single girl, which last time I checked is okay."

"Oh, well that makes me feel better, but your friend obviously doesn't like me so I should be on my way," he tells me as a girl in the same uniform as him walks behind the counter, "bye Emily."

I look at him then Dan, "No please," but he is already out the door before I even start my sentence. I walk back to the couch and glare at Dan, "I hate you, I hate all of you right now."

They all burst out laughing, "What happened to you not needing a boyfriend?" Mackenzie asks me.

"I don't need one, but doesn't mean it wouldn't have been nice to have one. Anyways, I kind of want to go to the beach and surf, and win, it would help me blow off some steam that you three idiots caused." I tell them as we stand up and pick up the area in which we are sitting at. We all walk out of the coffee shop and head for our cars, Dan and Xander drove together, which meant only Xander had his surfboard. We usually keep a surf board in our cars for times like these. "Dan looks like you're the one judging today, and don't give me a higher score than them because you feel bad for today." I tell him right before we all get in our cars, and he gives me a thumbs up.

Once I start the car I start my music, and this time I blast it, so loud I can't even hear myself think. Emma told one time when I was sad that, when you're sad you should play happy music and when you're angry you should blast ranting music, which is what my mom calls any song that has a rapper.

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