Chapter 9

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The song that I recommend for this chapter is Supalonely by BENEE.


Mack and I have been looking at homecoming dresses since eleven this morning, now it's five and we finally decide that we should start getting ready for Xander's birthday party. Well Mack decided we should start getting ready for his party, she wants to do her hair and makeup. I don't want to do my hair or makeup. I mean yeah, I'll brush it, but I don't want to do anything fancy.

Mack grabs her duffle bag and locks the door to my bathroom, she brought clothes, makeup, and hair supplies, so she could get ready here, which includes showering in my bathroom. For some reason Mack loves my bathroom, she said it reminds her of a castle, which is funny because my bathroom is so cramped. I think the real reason why she likes it so much is because she has a normal shower and I have a bathtub.

By the time she gets out of the bathroom, an hour later, she looks absolutely perfect. She does a little spin and looks in the mirror. The spin reminds me of when Emma and I were getting ready for Mack's birthday, Emma did a spin and looked in the exact mirror. The flashback hurts so much, but it also makes me smile, a small smile, but it's still a smile. If Emma was here she would be getting ready with me and Mack. They would be doing their makeup while I make fun of them for wearing makeup, then they would both tell me to shut up and then we would all laugh. And they would find a way to put a little makeup on me and I would complain the whole time.

"What do you think?" Mack asks me.

I pretend to judge her outfit, I look up then down then up again, "It's fine I guess." She looks so offended, "I'm just kidding Mack, you look beautiful, Jesse is lucky to have you." She looks at me for a while.

"Um, Em, I broke up with him, I'm dating someone else now, but we can talk about that later because you need to get ready," she says as she pulls me up to my feet. "You need to let loose and by the way," she pauses, "we-invited-Dean," she says really quickly. I almost don't hear her, then I feel my eyes widen.

"Mack," I say slowly, "what did you just say? Because I swear if you said you invited Dean then your eyeballs will be clawed out in less than one second."

She looks down then around the room, she looks everywhere except my face, "It was Dan's idea." As soon as she says this I feel relieved, then a little jealous. Mack doesn't know that he's gay, Dan didn't invite Dean for me, he invited him, for him. "But since Dean is coming, I thought we could get you dressed up, at least a little."

I roll my eyes, "Fine, but here are the rules: For the makeup part only mascara, For hair I'll leave it down- no curls- I like it straight, and for the clothes part anything except a flowy or long dress. Oh! And no heels, otherwise I will break an ankle."

"Yes! Deal!" She quickly puts mascara on my eyelashes, she pulls my hair out of my ponytail and places the hair tie on my desk. She then runs to my closet and pulls out a casual baby pink dress. "Will you wear this dress with your Air Forces?" I nod my head in agreement. "Cute but casual, Em, I love this look for you!" I laugh as her phone starts to ring. "Oh it's Xander, he's here! And he said he's getting impatient. Oh never mind he said he was just kidding." Mack starts laughing. It wasn't that funny, oh my gosh! Xander mentioned that he had a date, was he talking about Mack? I gasp. "Are you okay Em?" She asks me as we pick up our purses and start heading downstairs. I nod. Once we're down stairs we run into my mom, figuratively.

"Oh hey girls, is Xander here?" My mom asks then adds, "Oh and Mack, are you spending the night?" Mack turns to me. It was up to me. Did I want to break tradition, the other day I did break tradition, I did gymnastics without Emma.

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