8 - Yay, P.E?

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While Hari and I went around to observe the school better, the bell suddenly interrupted us - and we both bid a sad goodbye to each other. It was only time for class, but Hari really seemed distraught about us being split up since we had different classes to go to.

The pink-haired heroine would turn and glance at me with a sad expression every few seconds as the students around us walked to their destination. She attracted a lot of attention again, and I found myself finally being able to slip away after the tearful moment.

Phew, that was almost physically exhausting! Do best friends usually do this whenever one of them has to depart? I've never had one myself so I can't say for sure.

On our little trip, Hari and I stopped at the office since I forgot what my next period was. The office lady was nice enough to print out my schedule, so I didn't need to stop by again. Hmph, if only the lunch lady was more like her.

When I looked at the paper, it showed that I had P.E next, and a part of me died inside.

Uh oh, the memories of running the mile every two weeks in middle school are still very fresh. But since this is an otome game, maybe physical education here isn't as hard!

With a little bit of hope, I quickly speed-walked over to the back of the school, where the gym was. There were many students walking into it, so I followed the crowd while slightly panting. This is making me nervous, I don't even have any friends here!

The only reason middle school p.e was sorta fun was that some of my close friends were there with me, but here - I literally have no one to talk to except for Hari and maybe Carnea. Can I somehow make friends with the background characters? It would make whatever time I have in HSR ~Love and Confessions~ much more enjoyable, and I wouldn't have to eat lunch with Hari every day!

Placing the thoughts to the back of my head, I hurriedly went inside the gym - who had its doors wide open. Pretty convenient!

Once inside, it proved to look like an average gym, as there were seatings for the students on both sides of the large room.

Hmm, there's no teacher in sight yet.

I stood in place for a few seconds before seeing a lot of boys and girls crowding around something. It was a table, and there was a whiteboard on it - saying that everyone should go to their respective locker rooms.

Oh! I forgot we had to change into uniforms for a second, summer vacation really messed up my brain.

I quickly followed the other students out of the gym and saw the locker rooms a few feet away from it. When I entered the girl's locker rooms, it reminded me of my middle school's one - but just larger and with more mirrors.

There were a bunch of lockers, and I stood around not sure what to do. Um, uh oh - I'm feeling like a lost kid in a supermarket. Some of the other girls were also like me - clueless about our situation, while others were already opening lockers.

Hmm, where did they get the passcode though?

As if to answer my question, I hear an older female's voice combined with the other students. Perfect! It sounds like the P.E teacher is over there, so I quickly walk over and find her distributing small papers. She's a brunette and has blue eyes, which would normally be really cool but there are people here with eyes from all the colors of the rainbow.

"Clara Yemings!"

"Aira Hart!"

"Y/N L/N!"

Upon hearing my name, I quickly step forward and squeeze my way through the crowd - raising my hand to get the paper. She gives me a small smile and slips it into my palm, which I then quickly skadaddle out of there.

Her Reverse Harem (R.Harem x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara