9 - Basketball

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As I'm left with my chaotic thoughts, since everyone finished the supposed "easy warm-up", both of the p.e teachers round up everyone again.

"Now that you guys all got to run a little, why don't we go ahead and have a little fun now?" Mrs. Bera says, giving us all a smile. I mentally laugh at what she said, "...got to run a little...".

I'm over here already exhausted from the warm-up, sorry that I'm not athletic and crazy fast like some of the kids here.

Well, I might have to blame my otome game addiction over the summer for that - which is also the reason why I'm even in this world in the first place. But still, there's always the chance it'll turn out that I'm in a coma and my brain has been working this whole time to make up this whole universe for me.

"Let's split the boys and girls up and have a few games of basketball, just for today. All the girls go to the left side of the room, while all the boys go to the right." Mr. Jay says, and I die a little bit more inside. Honestly, there isn't a single sport I'm good at - except for tennis, which I can barely hit the ball back. So even though the p.e teachers are talking like playing basketball is a treat for us freshmen, it's more like a punishment for me!

Carnea gives me a little smile, and we both follow the herd of girls walking over to the right side of the gymnasium. A lot of muttering happens, and I notice that there's one clear difference from what the girls and boys are saying.

Some of the females are either complaining about how they don't want to do this, others are talking about the next classes they have or talking about gossip. There's a handful of obviously athletic boys who sound way too hyped for this basketball game, while the rest are cracking jokes and laughing with their friends.

I look over at the right side and find the char-coal haired love interest staying silent. Huh, I wonder if he made any fellow athletic friends. I'm pretty sure that Kace is going to be a typical male lead and absolutely shrek everyone in the game though.

Carnea and I don't say anything to each other, partly because we would have to talk loud to hear what the other is saying. The red-haired girl, however, looks relaxed and cheery as usual - so I have a hunch that she's looking forward to the basketball game.

"Are you excited to play, Carnea?" I say, trying to be louder than usual. She hears me, and makes eye contact,

"Mmm, sorta." She says, grinning. Well, at least one of us enjoys basketball. "How about you?" I give a nervous laugh in response, before replying.


Carnea laughs at my answer, which she then responds.

"Haha, well I'm happy we might be on the same team though!" I mean, true. It could have been worse if we had to have teams with both boys and girls.

I nod, smiling a bit. "Yeah, it's really lucky that you're in my p.e period. But if we are on the same team, then I won't be able to do much to help."

The red-haired girl smiles back, "Then I'll have to have our team win right away. I don't want you to think badly of yourself, so I'll do everything by myself - so you don't have to worry about not helping or not when everyone else isn't!"

I stare at Carnea before laughing at what she said. "Pfft, thank you for the suggestion. It would be great if you could do so!" I replied, joking in return.

"Okay!" She replied, a wide grin on her face. Even though Carnea was joking, I think what she said provides evidence for my thought earlier - that she's the love interest for the secret route.

After all, the sentences she said sound very much like what a love interest would say in the beginning of the route, to gain brownie points with the heroine.

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