Meeting little Angel

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Chapter 10

Author's POV

One week went by. Manya had got quite mixed up with everyone. She had started walking with the help of physiotherapy. Her health was getting little better day by day.

In the evening, Manya was chatting with Nishant and Deepika in the living room. She noticed that Arjun was not there from morning so she asked Deepika about Arjun's whereabouts.

"Where is Bhai, mom ? I have not seen him from morning."She said.

"Oh sweetie, he went to bring our happiness home, the happiness of our house." Said Deepika enthusiastically.

Manya looked at Deepika in confusion, with a frown on her forehead.

"I don't understand mom. What are you talking about ?"

"Today Amrita is coming. So he has gone to receive her from airport." Said Nishant, smiling towards Manya.

"Amrita is going to be very happy to meet you. She already knows about you, Arjun told her. So don't worry about anything. You will also feel happy to meet her." Said Deepika.

Manya nodded while feeling eager to meet Amrita.

They were talking when they heard the horn of Arjun's car that entered through the main gate.

They were all looking at the car with excitement when a little figure got down from the car and came running towards them.

Manya watched the little girl who was hugging Nishant's legs calling him "Dadu."

Nishant laughed and picked her up, kissing her on her rosy cheeks.

"Oh my Bacha, I missed you so much." Said Nishant while showing all the love he could on the little girl.

"I missed you toon Dadu." said the little girl while hugging himy tightly.

"Oh I feel so bad, someone did not miss her Dadi. And here I made lots of cookies for her and brought so many chocolates." Said Deepika while faking a sad expression.

The little girl looked at her Dadi and opened her arms towards her, asking her Dadi to take her in her arms.

Deepika pulled her in her arms. The little girl kissed her Dadi and said "I missed you soooo so much." while streching her little arms as wide as she could.

"I also missed you so much my baby." said Deepika and hugged her warmly.

Manya was looking at her with a big smile on her face when Arjun entered with a pregnant woman.

"How are you, mom?" asked Amrita to Deepika and touched her feet to take her blessings.

"Oh no child don't bend down." Deepika hugged her. "I am fine How are you and the baby?"

"I am fine and the baby also."Then she took blessings from Nishant. After that Arjun went towards Manya with Amrita.

"Amrita, meet Manya. She is your sister-in law." Said Arjun while gesturing towards Manya. "And Manya, meet Amrita, my wife and your Bhabi."

Amrita hugged her warmly.

"You know I was waiting to meet you. You look exactly like Arjun told me."

Manya returned her hug while smiling.

"I am also happy to meet you." Said Manya while holding Amrita's hands in hers.

"Papa, You forgot me. I also want to meet aunt Manya." Said little girl while pouting adorably.

"Oh! Sorry my drama queen, let's introduce you, to your aunt." Said Arjun and picked her up in his arms.

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