Chapter 12

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"Haerin, can I sleep here?"

Hyejin walked on Haerin's room without knocking only to find her and Haechan kissing.

"Oh m-"

"We can explain."

"What? We're a couple Haeri- ow."

Haerin pushed Haechan out of the room and dragged Hyejin on the couch.

"What were you saying?"

"Can i sleep here? I feel like Jeno will kill me if i slept alone."

Haerin smiled and nodded making Hyejin smile and hug her tightly.

"You're a clingy girl, aren't you?"

"Oh. Sorry... it's just...I don't really...have any friends."

"No no, it's okay... i can be your friend." Haerin beamed.


"Yes! Now let's go to sleep, my friend."

Hyejin hugged her once again and laid herself on the couch making Haerin knit her eyebrows.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep."

"What? Lay in my bed, silly."

Haerin laughed and dragged her onto her bed before snuggling herself to her.




"I'm telling you, that Hyejin girl is stealing my girlfriend." Haechan huffed.

"I mean, she's cooler than you."

All the boys looked behind and saw Haerin holding Hyejin's hand.

"Hey~ you should've slept in my room."


The boys laughed at the couple while Jeno stayed blank as he stared at Hyejin's features.

"I'm warning you Hyejin, she's mine."

"How did you know my name?"

"I have a girlfriend who likes you very much, duh."

Haechan chuckled gave Hyejin a playful glare before pulling Haerin to sit beside him.

"Come and eat breakfast." Chenle smiled at Hyejin.


"It's okay. Please don't be awkward with us."

Hyejin wanted to eat with them but the only seat left was beside Jeno and she didn't want to sit beside him.

She kept on mumbling things that weren't heard making all the members look at Jeno whose eyes hinted annoyance.

Suddenly, pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and brought her sit on the chair opposite Jeno.

"Eat now." Jaemin smiled and sat on the seat beside Jeno.

Hyejin stared at Jaemin, wanting to thank him but the boy opposite her kept on giving her glares.


"How was the food?" Jisung asked Hyejin."

"O-oh me? Um... it's delicious."

"Really? Wow Jeno must be a chef then." Haerin laughed.

"Wait...Jeno cooked this? I thought it was Jaemin." She mumbled the last part.

Jeno scoffed and bit his inner cheek before stabbing his left-over egg.

Hyejin and Haerin jolted making Haerin glare at the boy while Hyejin lowered her head more.

"Dude, you're scaring her." Renjun grabbed the fork from Jeno.

Jeno glared at Renjun and stood up to go outside to calm himself.

"You must've kicked him hard." Renjun muttered.

"I guess I did."

Hyejin looked up and tilted her head only to see Jeno sitting on the bench outside the mansion.

"You guys seem gentle tho." Hyejin mumbled.

"Jeno and Jaemin are the kindest among all of us. I've actually never seen Jeno like that before."

"I gave his wallet back with all the money on it but he still hates me."

"That's what I don't get about him. If he hates you, then why would he let you sleep here?"

Hyejin looked down and thought of ways on how to deal with his attitude while staying at the mansion for a week.

"Done talking about me?"

Jeno stepped inside the dining room with both hands stuffed on his pocket while staring at Hyejin.

"You." He pointed at Hyejin. "Come with me."


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