Chapter 15

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Neil who was in his study room glancing at the clock he closing the file and stood up.  He turning the lights off, he walks out of the room.

He starts walking towards his room when he felt uneasy, he stops at Avni's room and pushing the door lightly he got shocked seeing her body shaken up.

He immediately understood she was having a nightmare. He rushed inside the room and her whole body covered in sweat, her breaths getting even as she tried to control herself, her body tightened under the duvet.

Neil sat beside her and starts softly caressing her hairs. He then starts whispering few words trying to control.

He held her hand.

Neil. : calm down. I am here with you. Please open your eyes.

Neil bends down trying to listen her whispering few words. His heart broke seeing her this state.

He didn't understand how to get her conscious back. He looks at her face then muttering a sorry he pulls her in a hug.

He rubbed her back calming her down. He couldn't let her suffer.

Neil tilts his head side away feeling her body calm and relax. He broke the hug and carefully laid her back down on the bed.

He covers her duvet and caressing her cheek bending down pecks her forehead.

He got up and was about to leave but stopped as he felt her hand touching his. He turns around and saw her holding his hand tightly.

He smiles lightly as she opens her eyes faintly and looks at him, her voice comes out as a whisper as she spoke staring him faintly.

Avni : please stay me...

He looks at her and was in dilemma thinking would it be good idea to stay back or not. He couldn't disobey her words either.

Neil nodding his head climbs back on bed and laid down keeping a distance between them.

Neil gasped as he watched her snugging into his arms. He knew she wasn't in her sense. He didn't want to advantage of her being helpless and hopeless.

Neil caressed her hair and once she was fallen asleep Neil untangling himself gets up and moves to couch. He laid on couch and slept.

Next morning, Avni's eyed flicks opens. She got up sitting on bed resting her head against headboard. Her eyes widen once her gaze fell on couch where Neil was asleep in uncomfortable position.

Her eyes widen and shocked as she saw him sleeping in her room in a such uncomfortable position, some blurs vision plays front of her place but she couldn't remember properly.

She sighs and getting down the bed crouched on her knees by Neil.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and starts shaking him up.

Avni : Neil wake up! Neil wake up!

Neil flicks his eyes open and opening his eyes stares Avni dreamily, he snaps from his dream and jerkingly sat up making Avni move back.

They both looked at each other uncomfortably, Neil diverted his gaze and gets up. He didn't a say word but glancing her last time walks out of the room.

Avni confusingly also stood up and wondering what happened last night that made Neil sleep in her room moves to closet.

Picking up the attire for the day she went to washroom.

Neil ruffling his hair got dressed in his office attire recalling yesterday's incident.

Neil chucked his thought and quickly got dressed. He wore the watch, perfumed on his body and setting his hair moves out of the room once he grabs the bag on his way towards the exit.

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