Republic of Padokea

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"I do."

"You do?" Gon asks

"Where is it?" Kurapika follows.

"Its in the Republic of Padokea, north of here." I say pointing into the distance.

"Let's go!" Gon shouts, grinning and heading off to the exit.


The cars surround us as we head in a taxi to the airport.

There's a cue and the other cars are hooting, beeping and cutting off other cars.

It wouldve been fine if we weren't almost late for our plane.

Gon suggested that we got out and ran instead, and we all agreed.

Thanking the taxi driver, I give him a tip on the way out.

We jump on the wall that defines the road of asphalt. It only reaches a couple of meters above the ground. I never had a fear of hights so I felt fine.

We ran up a few hills and laughed when Leorio almost fell.

After a few hours we where there, the huge airport was a large building and we could see the tips of the airballoons peaking over the top.

Purchasing four tickets, we headed for the lane where our flight would take off.

Getting on the plane, we found our room where we would be staying for the hours on the trip. Our trip was for in the night.

It had two bunk beds, and me and Gon both got top.

Wrapping the blankets around me, I made a makeshift burrito of myself.

"Night night guys." I mumble loud enough for them to hear.

"Night night!" Gon says with a smile.

"Goodnight." Kurapika softly reply's.

"Night." Leorio grumbles.

We all sleep peacefully, with Leorio's snores erupting every few seconds.


When we arrived, we took a small tour bus to head to the Zoldyck estate.

The small bus bumps along the road as the tour guide lady gives us a explanation of the family. She says that some have never been seen before. She also says a bunch of bullshit that I can confirm are wrong.

When she's giving her horrible speech, I glance at the other people sitting in the vehicle.

Nudging Kurapika, I indicate two suspicious men in the back of the van.

There both armed and have grim, cruel faces. But that's not enough to scare me.

Kurapika nods and keeps an eye on them.

Once we arrive at the infamous kukuroo mountain, the two men are the first to exit.

The large wall blocking us from entering, towers over us with several massive gates that look locked. Little do the others now that it isn't.

Gon askes the lady if we can go inside, but she says that she's not allowed to.

The two men harrass a bulky man that supposedly guards the gates, and steal a key. Looking at them now, I give them a disapproving look.

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