Another hot guy.

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Panting, sweating and out of breath, I collapsed on the cold hard surface of the training ground.

My hair was pulled up in a small bun, and the hair was wet with sweat.

I sighed heavily and sat up. Brushing the dirt from my front.

"I didn't know you would get so tired from just a couple of exercises." Rin said smuggly.

"Shut up, that's a lot of talk for someone that got kicked in the balls when distracted by my beautiful eyes." I snapped back.

Laughing abruptly, I had no choice but to join in.

We had spent the whole day training, fighting, and getting to know each other.

Rin used to be an orphan but was taken in by the head samurai when he showed his skill by stealing the general's gold sack.

He has been training and fighting for the rest of his life. I was impressed. No wonder he beat me in endurance combat.

Just when the sun was going under, Rin stopped us and told me to go back.

"Why?, I can still go." I say, frowning at his request.

"Well, the Emperor most likely wishes to dine with you and I need a shower." He says.

He indeed needs one. His hair is dirty and the ponytail that used to be neat and tidy was now matted and sloppily hanging.

His face was also dirty, just like the rest of his muscular body, and a light scratch ran across his cheekbone from where I had managed to get a hit on him.

His chest heaved and I found myself staring at it, with a small bush forming.

Stop it! I thought we liked Kurapika!

Arguing in my head weather I liked his looks more than Kurapika's, Rin told me to go before dinner was served.

"Will we train again tommorrow?" An embarrassing hoping expression spread from my green eyes to my dirtied face.

"Sure." He simply said. A grin blessed his features.

He looked like an Asian Prince Charming.

As I walked back to the palace, I daydreamed about Rin without a shirt. Or if he let his hair down.

I suddenly bumped against a hard wall of chest and that was when I realized that I was already in the palace.

Quickly apologizing, I back away and apologize for dirtying the man.

Looking up, I see a man that looks like he was handcrafted by angels.

His curly black hair caressed his face as he bent his head down a bit to see me. His skin was a dark chocolate brown color. High cheekbones and full eyebrows. Sparkly gold eyes almost shine in the sunset.

He was extremely tall and did not look Japponese in the slightest.

But I was still entranced at his looks.

"Excuse me, I have not seen you before in the palace. Are you a new trainee? Or perhaps a maid?" He asked.

His voice was deep and smooth and I cursed at myself for liking yet again a man I just met.

//𝘙𝘌𝘉𝘖𝘙𝘕♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora