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D E A R  W H O E V E R  I S  R E A D I N G  T H I S



J U L Y  1 9 9 8

"Y'know I never really understood the point of nostrils, like no matter what you can breathe through your mouth. Nostrils you can't breathe through if you get a cold or if you cry. It was just thrown in for no reason!" I say and Koa hums.

"Okay, I get your point, but also... what if we got rid of the nostrils early on and then the common cold came in, and instead of blocking your nostrils, it blocks your mouth and then you just die cause you can't get another way into your lungs."

"Who said the cold would change because we changed though? Is the entire world not gonna have nostrils cause we don't? What if it just turns into a virus only for gorillas or snakes or something?"

"That's a good point but-"

"Hello ladies!" I hear Royce belt out giddily as he walks out of the gas station with an arm full of snacks.

Jack groans, leaning back in his seat at our bus station.

We were sitting at the bus stop under the covered seat, Koa leaning on Jack as he sits at the very edge, and I lay down on the other edge sitting horizontally.

The deal with this town is that most people just walk. If you head into the mainstream part of the island then you'll get to the part where they use cars and stuff. Of course occasionally you'll see a car, but most of the time people don't have them or they're just sitting in a parking space for most of the year. I know Royce's motorcycle and truck is in his apartments small parking garage.

"They're talking about humans and whether or not they should or shouldn't have nostrils."

Royce chuckles, dropping my favorite pack of grandma's cookies that they sell at the store onto my lap.

I look up at him and smile while he furrows his eyebrows at Jack and throws him some random food. "Well that's obvious, they should-"

Jack nods in agreement, "Exactly! Did you get Kelca high or something?"

"No.." he mumbles, staring at me in sarcastic disgust. "But I wouldn't mind doing it again," he starts, grabbing my chin a little and rubbing his thumb against my skin. "You're fun when you're high."

I roll my eyes, turning back to Jack, but keeping Royce's fingertips touching mine.

"No! Y'all are wrong!" I say with all seriousness as I begin to explain. "If we didn't have nostrils there wouldn't be a problem! Have you ever had trouble breathing through your mouth? No! You only get the annoyance of you getting a stuffed nose-"

"well most of it is about being comfortable with how humans look.. I couldn't! That would be terrible!-" koa argues and I shake my head.

"No that's not a valid argument because if we had evolutionarily gotten rid of nostrils, then not having them would be what the average human would look like. Then you would be grossed out if a person did have them."

"But-" Jack starts, but I interrupt.

"Look I'm not a scientist but y'all are wrong-"

"what if there is something that makes you NEED nostrils. Like your smell!" Royce adds.

"Well that's a good point, but we could just move it to a different part of our body like our mouths."

"You're so wrong!" Royce says, visibly frustrated as he laughs and runs his fingers through his hair.
I jump up to make fun of it, "Awe are you gonna cry? You lil baby? I bet you probably can't even walk!"

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