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Jake POV

Gosh am I nervous, Blake wasn't home when I came back from the meeting. So I have to go by myself then.

I get to Rose's house and knock on the door. I am sweating.

A man opens the door, I am assuming is Rose's dad.

"Oh alpha, what can do for you?"

"Mr. Gray, I just wanted to talk about some things regarding your daughter, Rose" I smile awkwardly.

"Oh of course, please come in and make yourself at home."

"I hope good things about her, she didn't get into trouble at school did she?" He asks worried.

"No not at all" I chuckle, shaking my head.

He sighs relieved.

"Honey, can you come to the living room?" He calls his mate.

I hear her footsteps, and the first thing I notice is her stomach, she's pregnant.

"Hello Mrs. Gray pleasure to meet you, I'm Jake"

"Oh yes, I know who you are" she warmly smiles, playfully slapping my shoulder.

I smile, "please take a seat"

I help her to sit down and she thanks me.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Mr. Gray asks.

"Oh well, you see Rose is my mate, well our mate, mine and my brothers mate. And I have come to inform you that we will be taking her to live with us in our house."

They stare at me in silence. Crap, was that too harsh?

"MY BABY FOUND HER MATE!" He mother says excitedly. Hugging her mate.

I release a breath of relief. I smile at how excited she got.

I smell an amazing scent and look around and see mate peeking around the corner at the top of the stairs. I feel my wolf move around restless wanting to go to her.

I get up and walk towards her. I reach my hand towards her motioning her to come down. She walks down and grabs my hand.

I take her hand and walk back to her parents.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me you had found your mates?" Her mother asks.

"I didn't want you guys to be worried or sad about me, I'm sorry"

"Oh my baby is all grown up" her mother gets up and hugs her, her dad right behind her.

"Are you going to be ok staying in a new place?" Her father asks.

Rose nods, "I'll be ok, I have them to protect me" she grabs my hand.

"Where is your other mate, Blake?"

We both look at each other.

"Umm he had a meeting to get to and couldn't come." I make up a lie in the spot. Patting myself on the back.

Her parents nod.

"Well kitten, I'll help you pack"

She nods grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

Her parents laugh and I wave them bye.


"Jake, I met Xavier" she tells me.

"What? How?"

"Well, don't get mad because I am ok-"

"Ok I'm not making any promises"

"Umm I went for a run this morning and umm a man that has been following and stalking me for a couple years started chasing me and tried to choke and kill me"


I start pacing in her room back and forth pulling at my hair in anger and frustration, my blood is boiling.

She gets behind me and hugs me from behind. "I'm ok Xavier saved me, he killed him"

I grab her and pull her in front of me. Hugging her tightly, taking in her scent to calm me down. She rubs my back, putting her hand under my shirt making skin contact. Calming me down fully.

"Kitten, if anything would've happened to you....." I start choking up, crying.

"Baby don't cry, I'm ok" she says pulling back and making eye contact. She holds my face, wipes my tears and kisses me on the lips leaving them tingle when she pulls away.

"Come on let's hurry so we can go to your house and cuddle, how does that sound?"

I nod happily and we start packing what she is going to take and leave here.


Two in one day as promised 😁

Hope you're enjoying so far

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