Circle 37: 13/8-19/8

202 9 23

Hi! Sorry the update is a bit late. I moved house last week. Just settled down.

If you look at the group list, some members will have two books under their names. I do that because some of you have finished one of their books. So if I pair you with the person and you have finished the first book in the list, please continue to the second book.

1. Review 1 chapter of your groupmates' book. Bare minimum: 5 sentences in each review.
2. Answer the EQ together with the review. Bare minimum: 3 sentences.
3. Inline comments are preferable.
4. Prologue is only counted as the assignment if it has more than 1000 words. If you feel the prologue is short, review chapter 1.
5. Comment 'Done' inline to your username with the book/chapters you've read and tag your mates. Tag it with the enforcer's name.
6. If you don't finish your assignment, you will get a strike and not be included in the next round.

Done karinberry
Individuality by MilejdyVan Chapter 1
PMAM by Anime_Kitty Chapter 1

Enforcer of the circle: karinberry

Enforcer Question: EQ: What other books did this remind you of? Would you recommend the book to the writer?

Group 1:
Guitara by ghlo_riyah
A Mindful Old Soul by Dina_FK
Vengeful Valentine by AliKatMeow

Group 2:
Omen by Austin_Dai
Winter Siege by Akendora
The Boy In My Phone/The Language of Hedge by JackLDawn

Group 3:
Pirate of the silver sea by WriterAnimated
No Beast Too Sacred by tlryder
Allice in Mysterious Land by michh_44

Group 4:
NinRai/Golden Pear by Witto150
I'm Heroine by sumayaupdy
Boneca by karinberry

Group 5:
Negative Energy by knotanumber
The Choice of Aurvandil by TheTigerWriter
Moonlit Craters by inkyys

Trial member assignment

Screening regulation reminder:
1. Review 2 chapters of the founder's book.
2. Bare minimum: 5 sentences in each review.
3. Inline comments are preferable.
4. Comment 'Done' in this chapter and tag the screener, karinberry

Screening assignment:
Boneca by karinberry (chapter 1 and 2)

Trial Members:

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