Chapter 30: Stick to one story

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Chapter thirty: Stick to one story (Ellie's POV)

"I have to go," I sang while grabbing my backpack. It was the next day and we were parked at the school. 

He was just here to drop me off and then he was gonna go back home. He didn't even change, so he has quite literally rolled out of bed just to be here. "No, you don't." He grabbed my bag and tugged it back, pulling me back down to my seat. 

"I have class." I gave him a pointed look. 

"It's Mr. Prichard," he deadpanned. 

"Class is class," I shrugged. 

"Fine, I'll drop by for lunch," he sighed in defeat while letting my hand go.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I said while grabbing my phone. 

"I know. I want to," he nodded. 

"Okay, I'll see you then," I smiled before getting out. 

"Ellie!" he called out when I began heading to the building. 

I turned around and went over to his side of the car. He rolled his window down and I leaned forward, "What?" I asked in confusion. 

He put two fingers under my chin and tilted my head up before planting his lips on mine. I pulled away after a while and looked at him. "Bye," he smirked. 

"Bye," I smiled before walking into the building. I headed to my locker, taking one last glance at him. I noticed how he didn't drive off until I was out of sight. It was cute. I was at my locker, grabbing the books that I needed and a copy of the play that we were going to start studying when James popped up out of nowhere. "What do you want?" I asked. 

"I need to talk to you," he said while walking beside me. 

"We already talked yesterday," I replied. 

"I know, but I need to talk to you again," he said. 

"Well, I don't want to," I said while picking up my pace. 

"Ellie." He grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I said, I need to talk to you," he glared at me. 

"And I said I don't want to," I said through gritted teeth before pulling my arm out of his grasp. 

"Look, I'm being serious here. We have to talk," he huffed. 

"Fine, talk," I folded my arms across my chest. 

"Here?" he asked, looking around and the people that began to stare. 

"Yeah, here. Talk," I demanded. 

"I know I made a mistake doing what I did to you. But I really am sorry. Ellie, I want another chance," he sighed. 

"What?" I scoffed. 

"I want another chance," he repeated. 

"Okay, and?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?" he questioned. 

"You want another chance. That doesn't mean you're going to get one. Move on, James," I huffed. 

"I don't want to move on. I want to be with you again," he replied. 

"Do you have any idea how stupid I would be to let you back into my life?" I asked. 

"Ellie, come on. What we had was great," he sighed. 

"Is that why you cheated? Because what we had was so great?" I arched a brow at him. 

He rolled his eyes before continuing. "Ellie, I want another chance, please just give it to me," he pleaded. 

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