Chapter 33: You're mine

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Chapter thirty-three: You're mine (Zach's POV)

"Imagine being in a car with someone driving like that," she said while I rested my head in her lap, both of us focused on the screen that showcased the movie Baby Driver. "It would be so much fun," we said in sync.

I looked up at her and she laughed while I broke out into a grin. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off while she frowned.

"What did you do that for?" she asked while I sat up and shifted her body so she faced me.

"So that I could do this," I said before pulling her into a kiss.

When I pulled after a minute, she stared at me slightly confused but the smile evident on her face. "What was that for?" she chuckled.

"No reason," I replied.

"Zach," she cleared her throat, "What do you like about me?" she questioned.

I sighed while falling into thought. I couldn't put it into words even if I tried. I liked everything about her. Every single thing. "I like the way you breathe," I answered.

"Huh?" She looked at me, tilting her head slightly to the side seeming extremely confused.

I chuckled at her obliviousness and explained simply. "Every little thing about you. That's what I like," I said.

"That's a lot to like within a week." She arched a brow at me smugly.

"Who says I've only liked you a week?" I asked rhetorically.

"You can't sit there and tell me it's been longer," she scoffed.

"It has," I nodded, "Now that you know that I like you, and I know you like me, I can admit that I've liked you for..." I thought about how long it's really been. "A little more than two years."

I liked her when I was fifteen when I left, I liked her the two years I was gone and kept trying to distract myself and forget about her, and I like her now that I'm back. If I think about it, she's the only girl I've ever really had feelings for.

"You have not liked me for that long," she laughed while scooting closer.

"I have," I shrugged while her hands found mine.


I nodded in response.

"Interesting," she smirked before scooting back.

I grabbed her and pulled her towards me, kissing her hastily just in time before the door swung open. We broke away and turned to the door where Brett stumbled in with a very irritated Spencer holding him up.

"He has no capacity for alcohol. Can I get some help here?" he huffed while Brett's arm was hung around Spencer's shoulders.

"Nah," Ellie and I replied.

He glared at us before taking Brett into his room and then waving us bye, seeing himself out.

"Where were we?" she asked while leaning in once again.

"Zach!" Brett yelled, appearing in his doorway. I mumbled curses while increasing the distance between us and standing up, turning to Brett while he stumbled over to me. "You are my best friend! Did you know that?" he slurred while pouncing onto me, pulling me into a hug.

I huffed and stumbled slightly while Ellie chuckled as she stood up. "Goodnight Brett," she sang to him. "Goodnight Zach," she whispered before blowing me a taunting kiss and then going back into the room, leaving me with...

"You're my best bud!"

Leaving me with my best bud, Brett.

I sighed while walking into my room after leading Brett back to his room. The bed was empty and I looked to my right as she walked out of the bathroom while brushing her hair. "Is he okay?" she laughed.

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