Part 18: Andrew...

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{John's Pov}

"Vivian! What's wrong? Please open the door" I say knocking on the door to the girls bathroom as people passed by looking at me strange,

"Maybe it was something she ate?" Ethan asks with a shrug as Christian and I rolled our eyes,

"Or maybe we can be normal people and give her some space" Alejandro says walking up behind us as the lunch bell rings,

"First off we're wolves asshole, and second off I don't need some random rogue asshole telling me what to do with my mate. Especially since you don't know how the whole mating cycle works since your still mateless and probably will be for the rest of your life with how damaged you were growing up" I say turning around with a glare seeing Alejandro look back at me unfazed before a familiar scent hit my nose by surprise,

"I told you to be nice to him and you throw his past back into his face?" Vivian asks as I turned back around seeing her wiping her tear filled eyes,

"What's wrong? I felt your emotions when you ran off. Did some-" before I finished asking her question she flinched away from me shaking her head,

"Alejandro was right, I really need some space right now" She replies while stepping around me to walk towards Alejandro as I tried to follow her only to stop when she looked back with an angry look on her face,

"I meant from you John. I need some space from you. And if you say you can feel my emotions than I guess you already know why I need space" She says stopping me from following her before she pulled Alejandro along with her down the hallway where everyone else was scurrying to their fifth period,

"I don't like him" Ethan says standing beside me as I let out a sigh,

"I know I'm supposed to hate him with you guys but to be honest, the dude is just trying to find a friend and seeing as how your mate is reacting to him it's literally meant to be" Christian says standing next to us as we both turned to him with confused looks,

"Not like a relationship mean to be type of thing! What I mean is that she literally was a nobody when we first met here, no offense. She doesn't hang out with anyone here, she likes to stay in the back of the library during lunch alone, and she gets picked on by the chick obsessed with you. If you look at the bigger picture here, you can clearly see that Alejandro is the friend she needs. You can't understand what she's going through right now, why do you think she pushed you away in the first place" Christian explains as I rubbed my forehead,

"Let's just go to class, we can check on her after school but for now let's get to Government class or else Mr.Shresha sends us to the deans office again" He finishes before walking away as we follow him,

"Nice to see my last three tardees coming in late like always" Mr.Shresha announces to the class as we walked to our regular seats in the back,

Even though Christian and Ethan are concerned about Vivian and Alejandro, the though that I can't get out of my head is how Vivian reacted to seeing Andrew.

I looked around the class remembering Andrew was in the same class as I was right now. As my eyes stopped on him, his eyes were already on me. He looked at me in a suspicious way as I eyes him back the same way.

"I'm sorry but are you and Andrew having a moment or something right now?" Ethen whispers as I rolled my eyes before focusing on the teacher passing out laptops to everyone for the rest of the class work we're doing online,

How is Andrew involved with Vivian? Could she know him? Does he know her? I've known Andrew since we were kids but I've never been truly close to him like how I am with Ethen and Christian. He was more of a friend I knew the face and name of but nothing further than that. All I know is that he's on the football team with us now and I think he's mates with one of Wendy's minions from her little friend group that follows her around.

"Are you thinking about an excuse you'll be telling your parents when I have the dean call them for the third time this week about your tardiness Mr.Johnson?" Mr.Shresha asks interrupting my thoughts as I noticed everyone was looking at me being the only person with a closed laptop in the class,

"No sir" I reply opening the laptop seeing Andrew snorting at my reaction,

I continued working while still keeping my thoughts about Andrew in the back of my head until the bell rang.

"Andrew!" I shout rushing out of class seeing Andrew walking down the hallway before stopping to turn to me with a smirk,

"Let me guess, she told you right?" He asks with a raised brow as I stood still not knowing what he's talking about,

"I knew she was gonna do this. Tell Vivian that I'm done hearing her cry wolf about my mate. She needs to get over what ever she thought we had and tell her to stop acting like my mate was the reason why we stopped talking" Andrew says with a scoff before turning around only to stop seeing Vivian standing behind him the whole time with Alejandro.


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