Part 19: Alejandro...

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{Vivians Pov}

"If it isn't princess crying wolf herself" Andrew says glaring at me as I tried not to let my tears fall in front of him again,

"I'm not gonna tell you again V, leave my name out your mouth and we won't have a problem again" He says before pushing past me with a shove before Alejandro ended up throwing a punch at him right when he passed me,

"Alejandro no" I say trying to pull Alejandros arm back as he tried to throw another punch at Andrew who was on the floor now holding his jaw,

"What is going on over here?!" The voice I knew belonged to the school principal shouts behind us,

"Mr.Turner! I suspected you would cause a ruckus in my school but Ms.Tran? Let's go, you two come with me to my office now. Mr.Johnson escort Andrew to the nurses office" Mrs.Holmes says gesturing me and Alejandro to follow her,

"Look, I get it. Your new here,  you used to be a rogue, and it's your first time being in a pack now but there are rules you have to follow being in a pack Mr.Turner" Mrs.Holmes says as me and Alejandro sat in front of her large desk in her office,

"I do not tolerate violence in my school. I'll let you off on a warning Ms.Tran since your an A plus student here and your never causing trouble. As for you Mr.Turner, I have no other choice but to give you detention the next two weeks for punching a student and causing a commotion in my hallway." She says handing him a detention slip as he sighs before getting up to leave with me trailing along,

"I'm sorry" I say walking beside him in the hallway as we both headed to our last class for the day which is where we first met,

"For what?" He asks looking at me confused as I shrugged,

"For dragging you into all this mess" I reply with a frown as he chuckles,

"I actually enjoy punching jackasses every once in a while, so technically you didn't drag me into anything" He says with a shrug as we walked down the hallway to our English class,

"I'm not a nosey person but since your my best friend now, I gotta ask you this" he says stopping me in front of the closed classroom door,

"That asshole guy back there, he was the guy you told me about right? Your first for everything?" He asks looking down at me seriously as I hesitated before turning away,

"I'm not gonna force you to tell me your whole life story with the guy but I just want to let you know that if he ever decided to talk to you the wrong way or try to hurt you in any kind of way, I'll be here to protect you. You're not a nobody Vivian, your my best friend. Best friends gotta be there for each other and protect each other" he continued as I turned back towards him to hug him tightly,

"Best Friends" I say pulling away to put my fist out as he laughs before fist pumping me,

"Best friends" he replies before we both walked into our English class seeing the teacher put on a movie,

"It's movie day today, so you guys can just sit in your seats" Ms.Angeles says taking the hall passes the assistant principal gave us before we left the principals office,

"Oh, I almost forgot" Alejandro says as we sat down in our seats next to each other in the back of the class,

"Since you didn't meet up with me in the cafeteria earlier, I decided to save you your food so you don't starve" He says handing me a wrapper covered burger from the school cafeteria as I snickered before deciding to eat it while we watched the movie the teacher had on,

"What kind of movie is this?" Alejandro whispers as I noticed the movie playing was Twilight,

"You've never seen Twilight before?" I ask with a raised brow as he looked back confused,

"I've never watched a movie before, let alone been to a theater. I think that's what they call the place these movies are played in" he says looking at the front of the class with the same confused expression as I tried not to laugh at how cute his confused look was,

"It's basically a movie about a human girl stuck in a love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf" I say shortening the movie for him as he still looked confused,

"It's weird, I know" I continued as he nodded before trying to understand the movie we were watching,

"Hey, Vivian" Alejandro says turning to me as I nod,

"You doing anything after school today?" He asks as I shook my head,

"Can you show me where the theater is around the kingdom?" He asks as I gasp before nodding quickly,

"Yes! We can go watch a film, and it's gonna be your first time!" I gasp excitedly grabbing his arm as he laughs,

"Okay, I think the teacher is trying to warn us to keep it down" He says gesturing towards Ms.Angeles who was glancing back at us with a raised brow making me stop laughing,

"What kind of film would you be interested in watching? Action, drama, romance, horror, comedy?" I ask cautiously as he thought it over,

"I think I wanna watch something scary" he answers with a shrug as I smiled,

"Okay, I think there's like two new horror film out this week. Or we can just double check the film list when we get to the theater" I say trying to remember the film genre he liked,

"Do they have food over there? I think I got some cash on me to get a bite before we get there if they don't have anything to eat" Alejandro says taking out his wallet before I stopped him,

"It's your first time experiencing being at a theater, I'll take care of everything. You just remember how much fun its going to be when we get there" I say smiling at him as he nods with a smile.


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