24. Targets 2 & 3 pt.3

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Song: I Put A Spell On You - IZA





I scoffed again, pushing past him and getting another hint of his smell.

"Come or I'm leaving you behind."

I pushed myself further up the stairs, waiting for his sly remark.

"Yes ma'am."

And I smiled.


I kept my head forward and didn't glance to see if he was following me, his heavy footfalls gave him away. 

A weight being lifted from my face and a small clang forced me to stop and look back at him. 

He had untied my mask.

I glared at him, picking my mask up off the floor and huffing before turning to leave. 

How was he finding time to be childish when we were in such a tight spot?

When I reached the top of the staircase, I whipped around and attempted to untie his mask, his childishness was infective. 

His hand wrapped around my wrist before it met its target.

"Nice try, sunshine."

I snatched my hand back.

"Hey, don't blame me you brought this on yourself when you started to sniff me." He joked, making my cheeks burn bright red.

"It's not my fault you smell good." I immediately regretted the words but that didn't stop me from turning around and pointing my finger at him.

He started to laugh in response and was about to reply but the sound of distant shouts cut me off.

"Hey! There are still people here!"

We both looked at each other before we started to race up the stairs, communicating without speaking.

There was no need to be silent anymore, they had already found our location.

We were careless.

I pushed open the top door, leading us both to the roof.

I sprinted to the edge and looked down to assess the situation we had gotten ourselves into.

Police cars blocked the streets below and security guards were making their way up the stairs towards us. 

We had four different weapons and were completely stuck.

I started to laugh.

It was the kind of laughter that resonated from your stomach, leaving you feeling bubbly and warm.

My laughter was something that I couldn't control, it bubbled up when I was in tight spots and often got me in even tighter ones. 

Silver looked at me with an odd expression on his face and a small smile.

"So what now sunshine?"

When my laughter had died down I looked around and saw that there was only one entrance to the roof.

My smile got wider.

"We wait."

His smile mirrored mine as if he knew exactly what I meant by my cryptic sentence.

I started to make my way to the entrance and hid around the side waiting for the guards to come up. 

Silver made his way next to me, giving me no space and standing as close as he could without actually touching me.

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