Chapter 21

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Clove's POV:

Knock knock knock

"Clove, wake up! You're going to be late for training!" Enobaria yelled from the other side of the door. I threw my blankets off and walked to the bathroom. After showering and brushing my teeth, I tied my hair into a high ponytail. When I left the bathroom, I saw a black t-shirt that had grey and red stripes on the sleeves accompanied by a small two. Next to it, were blank leggings.

I slipped both of them on and looked in the mirror. It fit perfectly, but I soon noticed the small locket on the outside of my shirt, so I quickly tucked it back inside. I left my room and walked out to see Cato in the exact same outfit. I sat down and started eating the arrangement of fruits and the pancakes that were in front of me. After eating, Cato and I got up and walked to the elevator.

"Clove." Cato called softly, reminding me of how he used to talk to me.

"What?" I replied harshly.

"We're allies right?"

"Yeah. District 1 and 2 are always allies." I commented. "Why would you even ask that? I thought that you would've just assumed we were allies."

"I wasn't sure after what happened." He said before the elevator doors opened. We both left the elevator and walked down a dark hall towards two large open doors.

We walked through and saw a few tributes already there. These included District 1 and District 4. We walked over and started talking to District 1, since we are pretty much automatically allies.

I zoned out during their conversation before the girl, Glitter I think, tapped my shoulder.

"I asked you how long you've been training for." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Since I was 6." I replied boredly.

"So, would that be 6 years?" She said condescendingly while laughing.

"10 actually." I stated while trying to suppress my anger.

"Can you tell me how old you are, or do you not know numbers that high?" She said while leaning down so that she was at eye level with me.

"I'm surprised that you knew half of those words, since you have a brain the size of a peanut." I said condescendingly.

"Cato, are you going to let her talk to me like that?" She said as she rushed to Cato's side and placed her hand on his chest.

He looked at me for a few seconds before saying, "Don't be so rude, Clove." I glared at the pair of them, thinking that I was going to attack them very soon, but the head trainer walked in and started talking.

I doubt that any of it was important, so I zoned out. These talks were never important and they said it to us so often in training that I had it memorised.

We all headed off and started doing whatever after she finished talking. I, obviously, went to the knives first. Sadly, I wasn't the first in line, but I was third which meant that I wouldn't have to wait too long.

A trainer stood next to the station and taught the others how to use knives. The two people in front of me failed miserably and they were so bad that it was funny.

It was finally my turn and the trainer knew not to try to teach me, since I was from 2. I smirked as I picked up a knife and inspected it. It was sharper than the ones back home and could definitely do more damage.

I expertly threw the knife and it hit right in the centre of the heart. I threw another at the dummy to the right of it and it hit the centre once more. For the third dummy, I turned around and threw the knife as I whipped around. As expected, it hit the centre.

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