Chapter 48: Provisional Exams Pt. 3

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"You want some, Bakugo?"

"What? No!"

"Aww, I know you want it! C'mon, say a~"


"Delicious, right?"


You smiled at the same old grumpy blonde. You tried to make him eat some cupcakes on the table but as usual, he would decline so you purposely put the caramel flavored into his mouth.

"Did you know? You smell like caramel, really." He blushed at your comment while you were happily enjoying eating your red velvet cupcake.

"You smell like cherries." He mumbled silently as he finishes his treat. You looked at him confused while slightly tilting your head. The blush in his face spreaded even more as he tried to hide it with his hand.

"W-Well, cherries are gross!"

"Huh? What are you talking abo--"

All of a sudden, the sound of an alarm came out of nowhere. You watched the giant screen in front of you with everybody else.

"Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is occuring in all areas of 'City Name Here'. Due to the buildings collapsing, there are many injured."

The walls and the ceiling opened up again just like earlier and you weren't still getting used to it.

"Due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed! Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well, then... Start!"

You immediately finished your dessert as you ran outside to find injured residents. You've done rescuing multiple times before so you already knew what you had to do. This time, Bakugo didn't drag you as he separated from the group along with Pikachu and Eijiro.

You smiled at their sudden friendship or Bakugo would rather call it 'comradeship', they were a great team. You on the other hand, you ran to a different direction leaving the rest behind. You ran without knowing where you really wanted to go. You just needed to spot hurt people while you were on your way.

Fortunately, you found an old woman in the middle of a crushed building. You flew your way to her direction as you landed in front of her weak body. Just like back at the Kamino incident, her lower body was stuck at the bottom of the edge of a debris.

She must've hurt her legs by now and judging by her age, she couldn't stand up by herself. I better think fast.

"Hello there, grandma. Don't worry, everything will be alright." You said softly before slowly lifting the debris using your quirk. You had to do it gently otherwise her state would get worse if you do it in a rush. You gently placed the debris behind her as you used telekinesis on her body.

"I'm certain your leg is severely injured especially since you are a senior citizen. You have to get medical assistance fast." You muttered. The old woman looked at you with sparkly eyes. She found out that you seemed to have experienced this kind of situation before.

I see she's used to this, she rather seems familiar.

You lifted a medium sized debris from the ground and you slowly placed her on top of it. "While I take you to a nearby first-aid station, please rest your body or your injuries would become worse." You cleared your path using your other hand. You made sure you didn't throw them or someone else would get hurt by it too.

Instead of putting up a worried face, she just softly smiled at me. That's a good way to start off rescue. By lightening our hearts and to relieve us from pain by knowing she would find a way with a smile. Clearing the path in case she stumbles, that's good. She also made sure about slowing down her actions on getting the debris away from me, that's good too. She makes a fine hero...

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