Chapter 75

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"Who is he?"

"I don't know, he should've come to find the principal. Haha, he couldn't possibly be here for the parents meeting."

Seventh high School was a state school, unlike private noble schools, most of the students came from ordinary families.

There were boys who knew about cars. When they saw the cars, they were so excited. They told everyone that they were luxury cars that were released a few months ago.

Even Lu Xiang was full of excitement, "That man is so cool. He is a rich man. Nuonuo, what do you think he's here for, donate to our school? Repair libraries and the like?"


Nuonuo had to admit that putting such a show in a TV series was a funny act.

However, in reality, with the man's suit, luxury car, and bodyguards accompanying him, it looked great.

Seeing the impact was quite powerful, Nuonuo even heard that some of the girls in their class were dreaming of marrying into the rich.

However, Nuonuo couldn't relax her mind and watch the excitement with them. She watched Qiu Li take a group of bodyguards upstairs. The students around were so excited that they almost forgot the parents meeting in the classroom.

"Gosh, he is coming to this teaching building!"

More than three classes students in the whole teaching building flushed with excitement.

Zhao Li counted the number of people in the classroom and heard the noise outside and patted the podium with a textbook, "Students outside keep quiet!"

Qiu Li went directly to the third floor and walked to Nuonuo's classroom.

The students looked at this super rich man nervously and excitedly.

Lu Xiang's cheeks were flushed and she whispered in Nuonuo's ear, "No! He really came for the parents meeting? Whose parent is he?"

Nuonuo felt ashamed.

She didn't want to hide from Lu Xiang, so she replied like a mosquito, "He came for me."

"Nuonuo you said ... are you serious!" Lu Xiang reacted and her eyes widened suddenly.

By this time Qiu Li had reached the door of the third class, Nuonuo looked up at him.

His black suit was terribly expensive. The bodyguard opened the door and seemed to look down on this group of ordinary students.

Then a bodyguard personally moved a chair to the front row of the classroom respectfully.

When the bodyguards stood behind him, he sat down slowly. His expression was cold, his legs raised, and his fingers tapped the back of the chair.

Zhao Li was also stunned and almost forgot what she was about to do.

Qiu Li's aura was very strong, and the classroom which waa originally noisy became quiet.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became chilling at this moment. Almost everyone's eyes fell on Qiu Li, not daring to say anything.

Even if someone didn't know him, they knew that this man's identity was not simple.

He said in a cold voice, "Start quickly, don't waste time."

Nuonuo was about to cry. She was finished!

Finally Zhao Li and her classmates would change their opinions on her. It looked as if she could pass high school smoothly.

CEO Qiu almost looked at everyone with disgust and despise.

Song Lian couldn't snap out of her thoughts either. This man was so arrogant and terrible.

Zhao Li coughed, and unconsciously lowered her tone a few degrees as she said, "Let's get started."

She didn't ask for names anymore, and everyone was looking at the only empty seat in the class, Nuonuo's seat.

The person Qiu li came for was self-evident.

The students in the class whispered, "Didn't you say that Song Nuo was kept by an old man?"

She was blind! This man was handsome and young plus rich.

The people were blabbering and blushing.

Everyone was guessing what his relationship with Nuonuo was. Someone recognized Qiu Li, "Doesn't he ... look like CEO Qiu from the Caijing Magazine?"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

Even if no one knew who Qiu Li was, they were clear of his status.

Simply put.

Qiu Li was the richest man in City B, a legendary figure in City B that everyone knew.

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