Appa is being bad?

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YoongisNumberOneFan requested

Jin's POV
"MIN YOONGI!!!!" I yelled out from downstairs. I was furious, how many times do I have to scold him in just 24 hours? How could someone possibly get into this much trouble in just one day? Earlier today I had to scold him for waking up late then being moody and grumpy all the way to the work. I knew he has been busy with the new tracks he's working on but that's a no excuse to stay up till 4 in the morning when we have to wake up at 7 everyday and leave the house at 8 for practice. After 5 minutes of silence Yoongi came down groaning.

"What do you want hyung?" The grumpy boy said rubbing his eyes.

"Did I or Did I not tell you to come down and eat?"

"Ah... sorry I'll go eat now"

"No, wait. We are not done yet" I said grabbing his arm stopping him.

"What" Yoongi said annoyed

"Drop the attitude"

"I Said WHAT? If you have nothing else to say then I'm going"
I took a deep breath before looking back at Yoongi.

"Explain why I found this in your room" I said holding up the cup I found in Yoongi's room.

Yoongi gulped then looked away. "Yoongi. Explain"

"What was your last excuse for staying up late?" Yoongi stayed silent staring down at the floor. "You don't remember? Well, I'll tell you then. Your excuse was the coffee you had kept you awake and since you didn't want to waste your time you worked on the new tracks. Am I right?" He nodded his head. "And what did I say about drinking coffee?"

"You said.... I can have one cup in the morning. And that's it..."

"Right. You had a cup of coffee with your breakfast this morning. Now explain why I found another cup of coffee in your room."

"I'm sorry..hyung.."

"I didn't ask you to apologise. I asked you to explain."

Yoongi looked up pleading me but once he saw the look I had on my face he returned his gaze back to the floor.

"I just wanted to finish up the tracks...hyung.. I'm almost done wit-"

"Yoongi" I cut him off. "Look at me Yoongi" I said lifting his chin up a little.

"Hyung~" a whimper left his voice as his eyes were met with my angry ones. I softened up a little and continued.

"Yoongi this is not the first time you are losing your sleep because of your work. I understand that you are working so hard on the new tracks for Army and us. And I'm so so so proud of you. But your health comes before anything. This isn't the first nor the last tracks you would be working on. You can not keep doing this Yoongi. Look how tired you are. When was the last time you had a good sleep? When was the last time you had a proper meal? When was the last time you talked to me? us? Is work more important than your health? Your family?"


"Yes, I'm your hyung. Yoongi we are your family. We miss spending time with you. I respect the effort put into our songs. Your work is amazing I love every bit of it. But Yoongi please stop hurting yourself. Please treat yourself better. You deserve to be treated better. It hurts me to see you tired all the time. We are here for you to rely on. Please let me be your hyung and take care of you."

I was then crushed into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Hyung. I'm sorry.... I...missed you too" He said hugging me tight. I chuckled at his cuteness and hugged him back patting his head.

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