15. After-Effects

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After the incident, Stephen decides that it's best to go back to the Alma. I'm thankful, because I ache all over and don't want to go into another house. Isaac has to be careful when carrying me due to the open wounds on my arms and legs. Technically, I'm infected. If our wounds mix, he could become infected as well.

No one asks what happened. Stephen looks me up and down carefully before we leave. How often does this happen that he isn't even concerned?

The walk back takes twice as long as it did the first time. Isaac carries me most of the way, but eventually, he tires out. Then, we link arms and hobble together. Some of our delay is Justin and Clare, though, because they're loaded down with food and medicine. If we ignore what happened in the basement, it was a successful trip.

Ollie opens the door for us, counting heads as we walk in. She presses a finger to her lips and motions us back to the couch area. As we pass by the sleeping bags, I notice that most of them are full. A light snoring fills the air. When we make it to the meeting place, Mandy and Belle lay curled up on a couch together.

"I'm glad to see you all made it back in one peice," Ollie whispers as she pulls me down into a seat. "Let's clean you up before you head to bed."

Justin brings a white first-aid box and sits it beside Ollie before disappearing. She kneels down before me and gets to work disinfecting me.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" She doesn't look up as she asks. Instead, she watches her hands. I wince as she dabs alcohol on my leg. "You don't have to, but maybe it'll distract you from the pain."

"I forgot to check a room." I dig my nails into the couch and throw my head back. Her gloved hand presses on my wound, and pain almost blinds me. "Two Infected. Almost killed me."

"But it didn't." Ollie laughs. "It could have been a lot worse. See what I meant when I said that it's good you're immune?"

"Yeah." I grit my teeth. "Wouldn't have mattered if I had just—" I gasp for breath. "—checked every room."

"Everyone makes mistakes. It was your first day on the job. No one expected you to be perfect." She rips off a piece of tape and seals the gauze wrapped around my leg. Then, she moves up to my neck, pushing my head aside. "You brought everyone home safe. That's all I'm asking of you. Help me protect and provide for my people."

She finishes the cuts on my neck and arm quickly and then scoots over to deal with Isaac.

"I should change clothes," I say, pushing myself into a standing position.

"Help yourself." Ollie points absentmindedly towards a shelf behind us. Her tongue pokes out of the side of her mouth as she opens up a bandage. "Get him some while you're there."

I nod and walk to the shelf. It doesn't have a huge selection, but luckily for me, I'm an average sized person. I grab some new jeans and a t-shirt for me and Isaac then go back. Ollie's finished and standing over Isaac.

"He's all clear. Once you change clothes, you can head to the bathroom and wash up. You probably don't want to sleep with gross hair and smelling like death." Ollie grimaces and points once again. "Bathrooms are to the left of the front door."

"You have running water?" I ask in shock.

Ollie laughs and shakes her head. "Sorry. No showers. But someone does run and fill buckets with water every other day. Just enough to rinse off." She pats Isaac on the shoulder with a yawn. "Goodnight, y'all. See you in the morning."

With that, she leaves us alone in the shadowy semi-circle. Isaac offers me a hand, and together we walk to the bathrooms. Not a single word passes between us. The bond is clear, though, and strong. We don't need to talk. The people here can't begin to comprehend the demons we conquered tonight.

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