Vampire Fantasy

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by LynnS13

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by LynnS13

Vampires, Fantasy and all that's in between

One always wonders, in this world of stories, where do vampires fit in?

Though Wattpad did us an honor by bestowing a separate category for all our blood sucking, night loving creatures, I'd say they are pretty much at home everywhere.

Darkness, after all, is ever present.

I know because I write them. They are always in my head, taking some form or another, dragging me to places I didn't intend to visit. But still, I follow. Why? Because more than any other monster, vampires are the flip of a coin to our human self. The id unleashed, the void that is left when the anima is no more, (that "Other Me Meme" we all love so much) you catch my drift.

And today is my job to convince you that vampires are at home in fantasy.

Think of Fantasy as a tree. You love that ever green canopy with strong branches that stretch as far as imagination will allow, even touching the stars. And we like to rest against the thick of it all, where elves and sorcerers, and dragons battle... but what about the root?

Wasn't fantasy conceived, even before the written word existed, as a means to give shape to the things we both loved and feared? You know the story, it was gods that gave us fire... to escape the clutches of those who waited in the dark to hunt us. (I'm pretty sure that's how it happened, or perhaps it's a story recounted by one of those frights that live in my head).

The point is, vampires are quite safe in fantasy, even if they don't rise to the top

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The point is, vampires are quite safe in fantasy, even if they don't rise to the top. They never needed light to thrive. They are content to make their homes deep within, where the roots of fantasy dive into Horror and the  Paranormal.

I have several fantasy books that might well be different from the ones in your collection. As you can see, I'm a little dark and a dash twisted. I like my books defying reason. I welcome anything that I can't quite wrap my head around. Fantasy is meant to entice me and take me as far from reality as it is considered prescribable for the human mind. (I swear, I come back unscathed, but the jury is still out on that one).

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