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"Nayla darling !" I called "baby Where are you let me help loose your hair" I called coming out of the kitchen. I promised to help her loose her hair that I had braided. Nayla having long and silky hair comes with lots of advantages. I can style her hair anyway I want and I love it.

I searched for her in the living room but she's not there leaving me with the option to search her room. On getting there I met her sitting on her one of her small chairs while Saddam sat on the bed loosing her hair, while watching a movie. I can't tell what they watching yet until I enter the room fully.

I decided to wait and watch them. I rested my hands on the wall and enjoyed this perfect view in front of me.

It has been six months since I introduced Saddam to Nayla as her daddy. She wasn't really sure of how to react the first time I told her, now she literally got him whipped. She's his little princess. She gets everything and anything she wants . My baby is now a perfect daddy's girl.

I decided not to return to the states at least for now. I want their bond to grow stronger. I want Nayla to have a daddy in her life. Initially before finding out about Nayla, Saddam had already relocated to Lagos. He lives and works in Lagos now so everything is much more convenient. I also started working few months ago and it has been good so far

Every one knows the truth now, our friends couldn't believe it when we told them until they saw Nayla. They couldn't doubt it anymore. They love and adore Nayla. They keep teasing us, talking about us forming besties and having sex back them. No matter how we try to explain to them the situation. They wouldn't have it , they just love teasing us. Nayla also met Saddam's family months ago. His mom was all over the moon that she finally has a grandchild that she always wished for. She wasn't too thrilled with me keeping her away from the family but I explained things to her and she understood where i was coming from.

Both Nayla and Saddam threw their head back laughing. I peered in to the know what they were watching and it was Rapunzel. Saddam was the first to notice me. He sent me a smile which I reciprocated.

"I was looking all around for you, I wanted to help with your hair but I see your daddy is helping you already " I said going into the room. I sat on the bed beside Saddam. Nayla nod her head softly

"I thought to help when you were in the kitchen. What were you doing in there?

"Sorting out dinner. I felt to help her once and for all since she'll sleep immediately after dinner but thank you for helping " he held me on a gaze while still staring at me with so much admiration. We were so engrossed in our staring contest until Nayla laughed breaking us out of our trance. I averted my gaze as quickly as possible.

The relationship between Saddam and I is.. I don't even have a name for it. We're very good at coparenting infact perfect. But I can't put a name to what we have. We flirt alot, and we've shared a kiss in one or two occasions. Nayla mostly spend the weekends with him since we enrolled her to a private school a term ago , she has her own room here. . I also spend few hours with them but this would be the first weekend I'll be sleeping over. He suggested it though. And it has been fun all through. I loved my moment with both of them so far. Every moment with them is priceless


We had dinner already and we both tucked Nayla to sleep. We were seated in the living room, talking about random stuff while sharing a bottle of red wine. We reminisced about past experiences. Back then, Saddam and I shared literally everything but with the situation and everything, we really weren't comfortable to talk that much but tonight was just different. I guess the bottle of wine helped a little. Initially we were watching a movie on Netflix before stating a conversation.

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