chapter three

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vanessa alan banks ;

It was my second day of senior year at Eden Hall Academy. Yesterday was an odd day to me, it was weird, it was just different. But what did I expect? This was a new experience here for me.

It surely didn't go as planned as I hoped it would. I just, I watched too many movies. I thought that by second period I'd befriend all of the obnoxious cheerleaders and the kids from chess club and the all of the football players would be falling right and left for me, swooning.

Okay, yeah, I did watch too many movies. Growing up, that was the most entertaining thing we'd do. My family life was always rough and confusing, but at the end of the day, it's always be Adam, our older brother Kris and his twin Luke, and I, curled up in the small couch in the living room, watching reruns of our favorite TV shows. Not that there was anything wrong with that, because there wasn't.

Back to the previous point, high school wasn't like the movies. It was filled with stress, unnecessary drama, and kids practically making love in the middle of the hall way. It was gross, but I guess it was life.

I stood at my locker with Kahlúa, who flipped through a huge stack of flashcards for a history test she had. The second day and she had a test? I couldn't believe it.

I mostly stayed silent, letting her focus so that she could pass this test. At least I had her. I mean I had my little brother too and his friends, but I didn't want to be that lame older sister that's only friends are her brothers friends. It was uncool, majorly.

A small content smile was plastered on my face as I pulled my science book from the shelf in my locker, exchanging it with my chunky math book I'd have no use for. I almost dropped it in the process, but was quick to catch it and cradle it in my arms like it was a precious baby. The book smelled musty, for it was old and dusty and clearly hadn't been properly taken care of over the years. And I was sure that halfway through the year we'd stop needing these books and it'd just get thrown into my locker without a care in the world. It always happened.

I grabbed my folder from my book bag that was already falling apart, placing it on top of my science book with a notebook that was the same plum purple color as the folder. Inside contained a syllabus I'd never need again and an old pencil I had stolen from Kahlúa when she had her nose pointed into the flashcards she never let go of. Thinking of her, I looked over. She mumbled definitions over and over again, getting angry every single time she'd mess one up or even come the closest bit to getting it wrong.

A small laugh escaped from my mouth. I turned back to my locker, gently shutting it with ease and grace, not obnoxiously slamming it shut like everyone else had been.

Suddenly, a great force made impact with my back hitting me like a truck. My books flew out of my arms, landing below me. I didn't have time to catch myself or for my body to even be warned. I fell to the floor landing on my uncomfortable science book. After a few seconds, I let out a groan.

   My eyes opened with pain while I laid on the floor with misery. Bad luck. I didn't have coffee this morning so now I had bad luck. Shifting my gaze, I noticed someone standing in front of me.

The person wore a pair of black dress shoes, clearly well taken care of. Whoever it was must've had some sort of power. Just as they stood there, I felt power.

Suddenly the person bent down. I came face to face with Riley himself. I felt my eyes widen. The boy flashed me his pearly white teeth.

"Are you good?" He asked with such a charm. I felt myself smile back. Slowly, I placed my hands in front of me and pushed myself up so that I was sitting up. After feeling a sharp pain in my head, I immediately winced. Riley noticed. He brought his hand forwards, moving strands of my hair out of my eyes. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach as he did that, but I didn't think much of it. I forced another smile onto my face, "Is it your head?" He questioned.

He attached his hand to mine out of the blue, helping me stand up from the ground. As I got up with his help, I scrambled to think of something to say but when he moved my hair out of my eyes, he practically left me speechless.

When I was finally up from the ground and situated, I looked back up at Riley who was grinning down at me. I'm sure I looked like a fool, like a complete fool in front of the most popular kid in the school. But I needed to play it cool, right? I knew he was my lab partner, and we'd be forced to come close together, but he still intimidated me.

I forced my smile to stay on my face. I nodded my head at Riley's question, finally bringing myself to answer him, "my head, yeah, but I'm fine, I swear," I assured him. He skeptically nodded his head, slowly turning back to the freshman that had ran into me and basically plowed me over like a snow plow. 

"Freshmeat," Riley growled, full of rage and annoyance. I didn't understand why he was so mad. The kid ran into me, not him, right? "Apologize."

The shorter boy looked at me, his bright wide eyes showing how scared he was of the jock that already had a tight grip on his shoulder.

   "S-Sorry," the boy trembled, his lips quivering due to the amount of fear surrendering him. He glanced behind him at the senior boy, soon turning his attention back to me quickly. I sort of felt bad that I wanted to laugh, but at the same time, I felt bad.

   I gave the younger boy a wide smile, "don't worry about it, kid, things happen," I respectively told him. I looked back over at Riley who still had a grip on him. He looked down at the boy with anger still taking over.

"Now don't do it again," he spat, not as harsh this time, but still harsh enough to where the boy was practically peeing his pants. He finally let go of the boys shoulder, shoving him forwards in the process. "I better not see you again, kid, or else you'll be dead!" He shouted down the hall after the kid that was now running with fear. Once the kid was out of sight, I found myself looking back over at Riley who now had my books in his hands. He handed them to me.

I looked at him shyly, "oh, uhm, thank you, for all of that," I nervously spoke. I was still unsure as to why he was defensive over me. I've seen other people get ran over by freshman's but he's never cared to say anything. But he stuck up for me? I shook to thought out of my head.

"Don't worry about it. These freshman just need to watch where their going," he responded back, "besides I've got a big game tonight and need to practice my checking anyways," he grinned.

A small laugh escaped my lips. He had a charm. Some sort of charm that just made me want to smile. But I didn't know why.

"My brothers playing tonight," I commented. I be held my books tightly in my arms while gazing up at the taller boy, "maybe I'll try to make it."

Riley's smile faded the slightest bit. He looked at me like he was observing me, like he was studying me. He placed his hand on his hips while leaning forwards. He rose his eyebrows.

"You have your next period with me, don't ya?" He asked. Slowly, I nodded my head.

"I believe so, yeah," I said. I didn't want to seem eager, like some girl that was obsessed with him and knew every class he had. I didn't, obviously. That's just kinda be.., awkward, I dunno.

"Science?" He asked. His smile returned, this time bigger and brighter. I laughed nervously and nodded my head.

"Science," I repeated awkwardly. I quickly looked down at my feet. Why was I being awkward? Was it because a cute boy was actually talking to me? No, stop it! Don't do this to yourself, don't do it!

Silence filled the air. The hallways became emptier second by second. Kahlúa was now gone, most likely in the bathroom freaking out about the test she thinks she's going to fail next period.

Finally, Riley spoke up, "well, new girl, why don't we walk together?" He asked. My cheeks turned a crimson color. I looked back up at the boy, nodding my head but making sure I didn't seem eager.

"I mean, yeah, sure," I told him. He smiled wide at me, nodding his head as well. He still gazed at me like he was trying to study me, but I tried not to pay much attention to it. I was probably overreacting anyways.

I didn't even noticed the boy had started walking until I heard the squeaking of his shoes against the tiled floor. I huffed, scrambling the catch up with him.

Riley was surely an interesting boy. And I didn't even know his first name!

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