Chapter 19

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Third POV~

Hoseok sat back in the chair watching intensely at the girl who was about to leave the building. Six of the seven boys waved her off with smiles a small smile filling his face when she turns and returns a smile in his direction.

A feeling he much too recognised.

He watched as they all made their way to the sofas and floor space practically keeping their eyes on the doorway in which she had just left.

Y/n on the other hand had taken the free day to go to the post office as she did atleast once a week.
(I think i forgot to mention her job was is a writer/translator whilst also doing small one time jobs like maybe transcripting sorry this story will most likely be rewrote 🙇🏼‍♀️anyway~ back with the story~)

Jimin took a seat beside Hoseok leaning his head on his shoulder feeling the older relax slightly the others seeing this now felt more tense.

"I think I can already guess.." Namjoon spoke as he studied the void expression on Hoseoks face which lit up slightly at his words. A sigh is all that can be heard.

"I.. We.. All like her.. " Jimin muttered out as he lifted his head from Hoseok shoulder

"then.. What do we do now?" Yoongi started "I don't think she feels the same I mean there's seven of us maybe she isn't in to that sort of thing" he cringed at his outspoken thoughts, the idea of her rejecting them all.

"C-can't we talk to her.. About our feelings?" Jungkook tightened his grip slightly around Taehyung who was sat beside him.

"honestly.. I think y/n will like us for us" Jins face lit up as he remembered the girl being so comfortable around them. They was already family in his mind but maybe only close friends in hers. They could change that.

"shouldn't we wait and see how she feels for now.. What if at some point she gains feelings for us then it will be mutual" the outspoken thoughts of Namjoon turned all six heads to face him "she doesn't think of us that way.. Yet" he finished.

"then.. Do I have permission to hug her!?" Taehyung jumped from his seat, both Namjoon and Jin laughed the others finally relaxing.

"only if she's okay with that but don't crush my princess!!" the room returned to its usual bright atmosphere when Seokjin replied. A smile on all seven faces.



"I'm back" I call out, dropping the few bags on my arms to the floor the first to greet me being Taehyung "heyooo~" I laugh at his slurred words watching as he takes the few bags not giving me the chance to take them from his grasp. "what did you buy?" Hoseok asks. I could tell he was trying not to look into the bags which made me laugh.

Finally being able to calm myself I reply "just a few things mainly groceries, I shoot a look to Seokjin and within seconds he's on his feet walking over to us.

"dinner? Wait are you cooking or am I?" he questions pointing to himself. I take 2 of the 3 bags from Taehyung into my own hands "there's a new game in there to try out" I mutter to the boy as I walk to the kitchen catching him racing over to the TV diving over the others.

"jinssi can we cook together?" I ask placing both bags down to the counter.

"yes yes yes yes!" he replies grabbing my hands and spinning us both in the small space.

Once we both come to a stop I stand by the doorway and watch as Taehyung, Jungkook and even Namjoon rummage through the bag of snacks for the new game.

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