Chapter 34

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Y/n POV~

The day went by so fast, just the memories of it left behind as the sun disappeared from sight.

Even with the moon now remaining as our final source of natural light we all continued to have fun, even managing to drag yoongi into our dance circle.

Hoseok and Jin had finished packing the last of our things back into the cars as I watch them wave us over. Yoongi sped off first causing the latter two to laugh amongst themselves.

While namjoon attempted to round up taehyung and jungkook who had wondered back down to the shore line.
I look over to jimin, watching as he carries on singing along mindlessly to the music playing from his speaker, as he picked up the few pairs of shoes left around before heading up to the cars.

The memories I had created today would be permanently scarred into my mind. Each time I laughed and smiled. Each time THEY had smiled. I always seemed to fall back into this nostalgic mind set whenever a good moment came around. Like my mind was still processing the time. Treasuring it for longer.

I listen out to the calming sound of the waves mixed softly with the sound of Jimin's music playing as he continued to head up the beach. The others slowly begin to do their own thing as I continued to take in the last of our well spent day together.

A pair of arms stretch to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me back gently into a chest. I turn my head with a smile to see Jin.

"what are you thinking about?" he whispered as he rested his head down to my shoulder.

"how I don't want this day to end.. Because I'm so happy"

In that moment nothing could have beat the truth. My feelings being nothing but that to which he didn't reply with words instead a soft hum that left his throat as he spun me to come face to face. My eyes searched his until his head came to rest against my forehead.

Within a split second his own lips came into contact with my own. A shive of bliss ran down my spine as I melted into my and our first kiss. It was sudden but much needed as he traced his feelings across my lips all in a single breath.

Once our eyes met again he took my face into his hands "I don't think you have any idea how happy we all are to have you with us.. Even years in the future from now.. We can't wait to make more memories with you" he quietly spoke.

"I- I feel the same way.. Truly" I replied as a single tear of happiness fell from my eyes.

But even now as i melted more into jin's embrace nothing could stop those blooming thoughts at the back of my mind.

Because what WILL happen when it's time for them to leave the guesthouse. When our memories made together come to a stop.

What will happen to us.


I woke up feeling light, as though my body had no weight to it. I manage to flick one eye open seeing the ceiling of the guesthouse, turning my gaze in surprise I come face to face with an equally as shocked jungkook.

"a-ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he stuttered out.

Half asleep still I manage to calm my pounding heart before allowing my eyes to close once again knowing my life was not in danger as at first instance.

I drifted back into a painful state of mind, wondering when the thought from earlier would come to light. I knew it would be on replay in my own mind yet I still wondered if any of the boys had thought that way at least once as well.

I tuck my self into what was probably jungkooks chest to hide the growing emotions from showing.


It was morning the next time I woke, I could hear the quietness I had grown to hate outside of my bedroom door. They was probably all still asleep. I stretch from the covers, looking down to realise I was still dressed in the outfit Jin had picked out, which consisted of one of their tshirts and a pair of their shorts.

My eyes drift from myself and over to the space beside me, widening within the second I realised Mr jeon jungkook was passed out beside me.

I practically stumble in my spot, trying to throw the covers from around my feet to free myself.

As my heart doubled its speed, said boy turned in his sleep. I paused my movements, scared to wake him and face second hand embarrassment from myself- thanks to my childlike reaction to finding a GROWN MAN in my OWN BED.

Calming my breathing just in time for his own eyes to open and the realisation settle in.

I don't think I had ever saw him move so fast before.

"I- Uh- so.. I- Its n-nothing like t-that" he stuttered out from the edge of the oposing side of the bed. His hands waving just as fast as he moved.

"I-it's fine" I barely managed out myself as I continued to try and recollect my thoughts.

"I- I'm sorry.. I- I uh basically y-you fell asleep H-holding onto my tshirt a-and I was going to leave once you let go B-but I must've fell asleep" he said.

A bright layer of pink covered my cheeks as well as his.

I had to stifle a laugh at how stupid and cliché it sounded.

"seriously.. Its fine.. And I'm sorry for doing what I did" I mumbled out watching him physically relax.

We both held eye contact for a second longer before a toothy smile stretched across his face.

"good morning y/n-ie~" he sang out as his hand brushed through his bedhead styled hair.

Again I had to hold back a laugh before I too returned the gesture.

"morning jungkookie"


I was listening to my sad hours playlist while writing this 🥺


And if you woke up to jungkook looking at you like this???? Yall I would cry

And if you woke up to jungkook looking at you like this???? Yall I would cry

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