Chapter 14

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"Aunty Syyyddd!" Bryleigh, Bears oldest daughter yells when she sees Sydney sitting down in the common room

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"Aunty Syyyddd!" Bryleigh, Bears oldest daughter yells when she sees Sydney sitting down in the common room. The little girl lets go of her mother's hand and runs over to Sydney's at full speed.

"Be careful, Bry. Aunt Syd has some boo-boos." Haisley says loud enough for Bryleigh to hear and slow down her pace.

"What's wrong, aunty?" Her sweet little voice made Sydney smile and ruffle her hair gently.

"She had an accident, BB. Her throat hurts so it's hard for her to talk" Ink of course left out a lot of that information because Bryleigh was too young to hear about those things.

"Ohhh my sorry, Aunty. Me and mommy could make you some tea and honey. It always makes my throat feel better when I'm sick" the little girl bounces on her heels in excitement. She loved taking care of people.

Sydney nodded to the little girl before standing up and following her and her mother into the kitchen.
"You truly love her don't you?" Bear asks out of nowhere making Ink choke on his beer a little. He coughs slightly as he nods to answer his question.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Y'all have such a big age difference, brother" Crash says before sitting down next to them.

Ink sighs and nods. "We know." That was the only thing he could say. As much as he loved his brother some things just weren't their business.

"Man, that's a 9 year age gap." Crash says amazed at his brother. Ink hated this conversation because they didn't understand. What Ink and Sydney have was something special.

"Enough, brother," Bear tells Crash knowing Ink was starting to get uncomfortable with the conversation.

"I'm just making conversation, prez" Crash smirks as he looks over at Ink who was glaring at him.

"No, you're not, Crash. You're trying to get his blood boiling" Knuckles joins into the conversation as he walks out from the kitchen. He may have been eavesdropping a little bit.

Crash shrugs and holds his hands up slightly in surrender. "No harm, no foul. I was just messing on our brother here"

Ink stayed quiet because he knew one wrong word would set his off again. It was just one of his bad days where small things could set him off.

Before Crash could try anything else, ink stood from his seat. He glared down at his brother while clenching he has before heading off the kitchen.

"Is it good, auntie?" Ink heard Bryleigh ask as he walked into the kitchen. He was met with the sight of the little girl sitting on the counter while Sydney stood in front of her.

Sydney was holding a mug, taking small sips from it before smiling down at the little girl and nodding.

"Your famous Tea and honey are always delicious, BB" the scowl on Inks face faded and was replaced with a small smile. Bryleigh giggled softly at Inks's words.

Haisley helped her daughter off the counter and excused themselves, leaving Ink and Sydney alone in the kitchen.

"That little girl adores you" ink chuckles as he walks over to Sydney, hopping up onto the counter where Bryleigh was sitting.

Sydney just nodded before walking in between his legs. Ink took that as an opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Maybe we can have a little girl of our own" The smirk on his face made Sydney roll her eyes. Ink and Sydney had already had a discussion about kids. She wanted to wait a while but Ink didn't want to wait too long. He wanted kids before he was thirty which wasn't too far away. Less than 2 years.

"Come on, beautiful. You love Bryleigh and Haisley is having another kid soon!" Ink teasingly begged as he kissed her cheeks. Sydney had placed the mug next to them on the counter, wrapping her arms around his neck the best she could.

Sydney just glared and shook her head. The look she gave him to let him know exactly what she was trying to tell him.

"Yeah, yeah. You've told me that a thousand times." He huffs knowing she wasn't going to break from her answer.

As many times as Ink has brought up how much Sydney loved Bryleigh, she always had the same thing to say. Though deep down Ink felt like Sydney was too afraid to be a mom which he couldn't blame her, he was scared to be a dad.

Ink sees how much Bear and Haisley have grown since they had Bryleigh and even when it was just Balake. He wanted that happiness and fulfillment in life. Though he did love it just being the two of them.

"Fine. I didn't wanna share anyways" Ink jokes making Sydney punch his chest softly. He groaned as if she had hurt him.

"Wuss" Sydney managed to say without feeling any pain in her throat. She was starting to think Bryleigh had magical powers.

"Yeah. Whatever. I'm your wuss so who gives a flying fuck" Ink shrugs carelessly while picking up Sydney's mug and talk a sip. He heard her gasps before feeling the mug being snatched from his hands.


"Babe. What's mine is yours. What's yours is mine" Ink says as he reaches out for this mug only to have the middle finger thrown up at him.

"Nope," Sydney had a smug look on her face as she said that one word.

"Oh yeah? You wanna bet on it?" Ink asks as he hops down off the bar, towering over his beautiful girlfriend. She stood her ground and nodded with a smirk on her face.

Ink takes the mug from her hands and sets it down on the bar. Before she can move to get it, he leans down far enough to lift Sydney over his shoulder.

Without saying anything he marches out of the kitchen. Ink could feel Sydney's attempts to make him put her down but he carries on towards the stairs.

As he makes his way into the common room the sound of his brother's whistling could be heard. Ink chuckles knowing Sydney was probably hiding her face in his shirt from embarrassment.

"Use Condoms!" Bear yells but quickly regrets his words when he feels his wife smacked his arm.

"Bane! Bryleigh is here!" Haisley scolds her husband. Ink laughs at the couple whole proceedings up the stairs and to his room.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Where stories live. Discover now