Chapter 40

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"momma! Kingston spilled his bottle!" Sudan sighs for the hundredth time that day

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"momma! Kingston spilled his bottle!" Sudan sighs for the hundredth time that day. Kingston was their little boy.

"It's okay. I'll get it!" Sydney grabbed a rag to clean up the milk. Since Kingston was born Charmaine has been the best big sister they could ask for.

"I'm sorry, momma. We were playing and he accidentally drops the bottle"

Sydney shakes her head. "It's not your fault, baby. I probably didn't screw the top on tight enough"

"I'll grab him a clean shirt" Charmaine stands from the floor and darts off Kingston's room.

when she came back Sydney had finished wiping up the milk and already took his wet clothes off. He was sitting in only a diaper but he was happy.

"Thank you, Char" Sydney kisses her daughter's cheek.

"can I help dress him?" Charmaine sat back down beside Kingston. He was laying on his back chewing on one of the soft toys.

"Here. I'll help you put his pants on" Sydney scooted over so Charmaine could seat where his chunky little legs were. When Charmaine pulled them up as far as she could with him laying down, Sydney lifting him up to help.

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Where stories live. Discover now