Chapter 13: Jiang Shuxuan's Affection?

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TranslatorEndlessFantasy Translation
EditorEndlessFantasy Translation

When Gu Xiqiao arrived at the Gu Manor, the family had already finished their dinner.

 The servant confusedly looked out towards the gate. She was sure that she had already locked the gates well, how did this girl get in here?

 Su Wan’er was sitting in the living room, and upon seeing the girl come in, the smile on her face was immediately replaced with a frosty expression. She put down the necklace that she was holding in her hands on the living room table. “Auntie Wong, go get Miss Gu a pair of indoor shoes. She doesn’t know the correct manners, but could you not know after being in the Gu Manor for such a long time? The floors had just been wiped, and she doesn’t even have the common sense to change a pair of shoes coming in. People are going to say that I didn’t teach her manners!”

 Miss Gu was a polite way to call her, but every servant knew that the Gu family was bound to end up in the hands of Gu Xijin. What use was the second daughter of the Gu family?

 The servant that was called by Su Wan’er was going to get a pair of indoor shoes for Gu Xiqiao before she was stopped by an old man next to her, the latter hissing softly. “Don’t do it, you’re going to get on Lady Su’s bad side.”

 Gu Xiqiao squinted slightly and lowered her head, her peach-colored lips smirking mockingly slightly at her current situation. She only took off her shoes slowly and walked towards the stairs.

 She would leave the first chance she gets, even if they beg her to stay!

 Her back was straight, and her long hair blocked the expression on her face. Her skin was pale and somewhat sickly, and she was so thin that her joints could easily be seen.

 For some reason, this silhouette that had never drawn any attention before made everyone that looked at it feel a twinge of remorse and pity for her.

 Gu Zuhui who had never cared about her in the past couldn’t continue looking at this scene any longer and put down the cup of tea in his hands. He waited until Gu Xiqiao disappeared in his field of vision before he furrowed his brows and looked at Su Wan’er disapprovingly. “Gu Xiqiao’s new here, so you just have to remind her on these little things from time to time, you didn’t need to force her like that. She’s my daughter after all, can’t you be a little more tolerant with her?”

 “Gu Zuhui, has your conscience been eaten by a dog?! Father brought her back without discussing with me beforehand, and I’ve only been feeding her and giving her a roof to live under, have I treated her badly? What, am I treating her badly by teaching her manners? I just don’t want her to sully our family name when she goes out into society in the future! Who knows what she was doing, coming home at such a late time? What, are you worried about her? Am I a wicked stepmother who’s going to be a villain and ruin her future? I should have expected this, she’s that woman’s daughter after all!” Su Wan’er scoffed and went up the stairs, not giving Gu Zuhui a chance to reply.

 Gu Zuhui’s expression froze in place as his wife attacked him with a barrage of questions and nagged at him, immediately regretting his choice to speak up for Gu Xiqiao.

 Gu Xiqiao’s existence had always been one of the knots in their relationship, and also a stain in his record that couldn’t be erased. She didn’t have any talent in managing a company in the first place, and the only reason why they left her in the Gu family was only to make her grandfather happy.

 If he thought about it, what Su Wan’er said did make sense in a way. If Gu Xiqiao were to stay, it would be important for her to learn manners and common courtesy so that she doesn’t bring shame to their family. There were only two daughters in the current generation of the Gu family, so for Gu Xiqiao to learn well was paramount for their family.

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