Chapter 19: Oil Painting

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  
EditorEndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Xiqiao didn’t walk out of the school gates, instead walking all the way down the tree boulevard.

 Because she was stopped by Wu Hongwen, she looked from the vantage point of her class, seeing that the Gu family car had already driven away. Thankfully, it was Friday so classes ended earlier, and it wasn’t all that late yet.

 At the end of the boulevard was a small building where the art students of First City High studied drawing.

 One of the doors to the classrooms on the lower floor was slightly ajar, and a bunch of canvases could be seen lying on the floor.

 Gu Xiqiao stood by the door for a long time, and it was clear that she was in low spirits for some reason. In the virtual space, the system spirit clasped its hands over its mouth, not daring to interrupt her thoughts at this moment. A few moments later, she pushed the door open and stepped in.

 In the classroom, there was a young man in a white shirt sitting by the window with a drawing canvas, and upon hearing noises he looked over to the door, stunned to see Gu Xiqiao before frowning in disgust. “Why are you here?!”

 Gu Xiqiao glanced over at him and promptly ignored him, going to the farthest seat from him and sitting down. A pure white piece of cloth was covered over the canvas in front of her, and she reached over and caressed it gently, her lowered eyes hiding her emotions as a sense of nostalgia rose in her heart.

 In her past life, the Gu family had maimed her hands so that she would never be able to draw again, and her choice to burn together with the Gu family was also due to her great despair of not being able to take up a brush ever again.

 After that, even if her soul was trapped in the virtual space, she had never once picked up a brush to draw. The pain of losing her hands was still too fresh in her mind at the time for her to do so.

 Seeing her brush him off, Zhong Yongsi felt even angrier at her.

 He was quite well known in First City High for being talented in Chinese paintings and had gotten innumerable medals and rewards from N City’s youth drawing contests. Before he even graduated from high school, he had already been accepted by the Arts Faculty of A University.

 Gu Xijin was known to be talented in oil painting and her studies, so she was known as the most pretty and talented girl in school. Most importantly, she had a close relationship with Zhong Yongsi in private.

 Personally, Zhong Yongsi didn’t like Gu Xiqiao who joined the Gu family out of nowhere. To him, she was unfilial for abandoning her adoptive mother and disrespecting her birth father and was greedy, vain and jealous above that. He had always been an arrogant person that thought of himself as morally superior, so this was the type of person that he hated the most.

 “What, are you here to draw? But does a person such as you even know how to paint?” Zhong Yongsi was about to leave, but his steps paused as a thought flashed through his mind.

 “Are you doing this because Ah Jin’s work was nominated for N City’s art exhibition? Do you have no shame? Art isn’t child’s play, you know!” Zhong Yongsi suddenly burst into anger as he walked over to Gu Xiqiao, his glare like a burning torch. He was a classic example of an artist with a weird temper, and to him, Gu Xiqiao was tainting this noble art by even thinking of using it for the sake of fame.

 For some reason, when he was three steps away from Gu Xiqiao, he couldn’t take any more steps, as if he had bumped into an invisible wall.

 He wanted to take her canvas and throw it away, but he was unable to move, and it filled his heart with an ominous fear.

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