Before the Storm

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Relax. It was much easier said than done.

Artemis took deep breaths as a dozen cameras and microphones were pointed at him. He hadn’t seen technology this outdated since finding Elias.

Atharo stood beside him, speaking calmly and clearly.

“Recently, this Egaro transported water to your fine planet. He was set upon by pirates hoping to deny you all water and start another war between your people and the Faro. When their first plan failed, and Artemis finished his task, he was poisoned on Faro soil, again in hopes of starting a war. I have heard there is evidence that the poisoning was a success, however, that is not the case. As you can see, Artemis stands beside me, well and whole. At great risk to himself, he has returned to prevent any threat of war.”

“How do we know he is the same Egaro?” someone yelled from the crowd of people watching them.

Artemis cleared his throat nervously.

“My bracelet lists me as Captain Artemis Eustera of Egaro. If I am not mistaken, the body everyone believed was mine has no bracelet, thus was not part of the Fleets.”

“Officially the Alliance is standing behind the terms of your treaty with the Faro. The first planet that breaks the treaty will lose the support of the Alliance. Peace is in everyone’s best interest,” Atharo added. “Anyone who threatens that peace threatens the Alliance and will be dealt with accordingly.”

“Why did it take the Alliance this long to step in?”

Atharo frowned.

“The nearest base outside of the system is 15 lightyears away. Due to the vast distance and the limits of communication below the speed of light, it is difficult to share information between systems. The first we heard of your troubles was three days ago when Captain Artemis informed us of the issues you were facing. I can assure you I will be suggesting regular patrols through the system to my superiors.”

Artemis saw Geiro motion at Atharo, and the Xanar held up a hand, stopping another question.

“Thank you for taking the time to listen. I can assure you all the Alliance has your best interests at heart.”

She stepped back, motioning for Artemis to follow her as she walked away. Geiro fell in behind them, scanning the area for threats as they moved.

“You did well Captain,” Atharo said.

“All I said-”

“Was all that needed to be said by you.”

Atharo smiled.

“At least you didn’t throw up,” she chuckled. “Speaking in front of a crowd was not a pleasant experience for me when I first started my career.”

They moved quickly through the base, Atharo taking them toward the hotel.

“Rest for the day. Tomorrow, unless I am contacted by General Aro, we will return to the Whispering Eye and travel to Oyhaf B3.”

Artemis breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he had sent the others to Reinard’s home for nothing. He certainly hoped so.

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