The Egaro's Advice

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Artemis woke up enveloped in Elias’ arms. He was stunned at the neko’s boldness. The cat must be desperate for him to be willingly holding onto Artemis. But as soon as the tiger gave any indication that he might be waking up, Elias’ arms were withdrawn from his body, the neko rolling over silently.

“Morning kitten,” Artemis mumbled sleepily.

Elias didn’t answer, but then Artemis didn’t expect him to. The neko’s silence was no excuse to ignore him though, or treat him as less of a person.

Artemis sat up slowly, looking at Elias laying beside him. The neko looked exhausted and Artemis wondered how well he was sleeping. The tiger brushed a hand over Elias’ cheek and the cat flinched away. The stress of Elias’ silence was finally starting to wear on Artemis, the endless guessing game of what did the neko want; what would make the neko happy?

He had his appointment with Aegle today. Hopefully, she could help him figure Elias out. Reinard had been Artemis’ friend too, and while his relationship with Elias had been much closer, the tiger felt like the neko should at least be trying to get over the Faro.

But even as he thought that Artemis felt horrible for it. He had mourned bitterly for his parents years ago. What made Elias’ loss any different?

“I want to go for a morning swim,” he said, getting out of bed. “Are you going to be okay in here?”

Elias nodded, and Artemis pulled off his sleeping pants. He scratched his butt absently as he walked out of the room, feeling Elias’ eyes on him.

His feet beat a trail to the basement, turning on the light before heading down the stairs. He hadn’t been swimming in ages, and with the early morning light, the tiger just knew the ocean would be gorgeous right now.

Coming up to the last stair, Artemis stepped carefully into the water, his eyes searching for the dropoff. His tail flicking in anticipation, Artemis leapt gracefully off the platform and into the cold waters of the sea.

He felt himself relax in the water, taking in his surroundings. Fish of all colours and shapes swam around the island, through tunnels in the stone. Waves disturbed the water around him, but he rode them out, enjoying the motion. This. This was what Elias was missing with his fear of water. The planet above him was lacking in this life. There was nothing but Egaro above the waves.

Kicking upward, Artemis aimed for the neon yellow bar that ran over the edge of the glass room in his basement. He grabbed the glass, following it up until he broke the surface of the water.

Swimming toward the dropoff, Artemis froze at the sight of Elias standing shirtless and shivering on the steps.

“Kitten, what are you doing down here?” he asked, pulling himself out of the water.

He shook briefly, ridding himself of excess water as he walked. Elias backed away from him, nearly tripping up the stairs.

“You don’t know how to swim. I don’t want you to drown,” Artemis said.

The neko pointed silently and Artemis turned, spotting a large shape swimming slowly around the room. A large eye stared through the glass, tentacles pushing the body through the water.

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