10. Shallow Apology.

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"I am so upset about Emi's suicide that I haven't even noticed that all the people who were bullying me and her have mysteriously disappeared!" Y/N sobbed as she walked through the generic halls of her generic school. "Even though Emi promised me she would never do something like this, I am going to believe the suicide letter she wrote to me with handwriting that coincidentally matches the handwriting of my stalker. Seems legit."

"Hey Y/N wait!! We need to talk." A voice called from behind the generic schoolgirl, freezing her momentarily before she began speedwalking in the other direction.

"Y/N please wait..." The person called again, this time much less assertively.

Hesitating, Y/N stopped and turned around. Homura stood behind her, looking much more somber than normal. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying but in her convenient anger, Y/N didn't notice it.

"What do you want, Homura?" Y/N asked coldly, not in the mood to be overly-nice and forgiving the way she normally was. "Come to pick on me and Emi, because if you are, you're late to the party."

"I-I heard about what happened to Emi..." Homura said in a small voice, not at all like herself. "I know that there has been bad blood between us, b-but I just want you to know that I didn't know my other friends were picking on you two, you have to believe me Y/N!"

"Why should I believe you?" Y/N spat back, losing more of her patience by the minute. "You didn't believe me when I said I had nothing to do with Elliot not liking you, though, with the way you act it's not surprising that he doesn't."

"I WAS WRONG, OK!!!" Homura screamed, drawing the attention of the other background characters in the hallway, along with an 'innocent hydrangea bush.' "I-I was wrong to not listen to your side of things. I was wrong to bitch about it to my friends. I let my emotions get the best of me, but I never wanted Emi to kill herself-"

"Like I'm going to listen to anything you say after what you've done!" Y/N interrupted. "Internationally or not, because of your actions, (and not the actions of the people in the genre who have been rejecting her for years,) Emi is dead. And you will have to live with the guilt. Normally, this is where I'd crumble and forgive you, but since this is a Yandere x Reader, I am easily going to be manipulated into separating myself from my friends. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE HOMURA!!!"

Near the end, Y/N was struggling to keep it together and ran off as she finished her tirade, not wanting Homura to see that she had started crying again. Homura, being the jock she was, indeed didn't notice that Y/N had started crying, but someone else had.

Oyama was trembling with rage within his hydrangea bush. Sure he had been the one to create all the conflict between Y/N and her friend, but it had been to separate her from her friends and bring her closer to him, (like any good future boyfriend should do.)

But Homura wasn't supposed to try and reconcile with Y/N. That wasn't part of his extensive-two-page-plan to get Y/N to love him, (or something.) He could forgive Homura for nearly spoiling his plans, but Homura had made Y/N cry and that was something that Oyama could not forgive. For that, she had to die.

. . .

"No, wait!! What are you doing!?" Homura exclaimed, backing away from Oyama.

The yandere had managed to catch her alone in the halls when classes started, (classes that he conveniently never had to go to because he was a yandere.) This school also conveniently had no security cameras. All these things meant that Homura was in for a bad time.

"I am going to kill you," Oyama said, pulling out a gigantic meat cleaver that he had somehow managed to stash inside his hydrangea bush. "After all, it's about time in the book for the yandere to go on a killing spree, and I wouldn't want to keep my fans waiting. I mean, I already killed all the other people in the sports club, but that all happened off-page, and I'm sure that the people reading this book are eagerly awaiting my first real kill because they have questionable tastes in literature."

Homura found herself backed into a convenient wall, unable to escape from the cleaver-wielding yandere, (even though she totally could have overpowered him, given that he was built like a vampiric popsicle stick.) "Y-your Y/N's stalker aren't you? I'm so surprised! I never would have guessed that it was someone as suspicious and stereotypical as you."

"You are correct! I am Y/N's stalker," Oyama congratulated her. ''Though I prefer to think of myself as her perfect-boyfriend-to-be. Now, to business. You made Y/N cry, and for that, I have no choice but to kill you."

Oyama brought the cleaver down, a maniacal grin on his face as it tore through the maroon-haired girl's flesh. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, and Oyama himself were all covered in blood by the time he was finally satisfied. Don't worry though, the blood's color was changed to hot pink in order to not mentally scar people. (Because obviously, it is the color of the blood, and not people getting impaled and turned into butter that will traumatize people.)

Once Oyama calmed down, he clapped his hands together and the hydrangea suddenly sprang to life and shuffled towards the corpse. Did the bush eat the corpse like Audrey 2? Did it transport the dead Homura to be isekaied into another world and reborn as the heroine in a historic palace drama? The world may never know.

All that mattered was that all traces of a murder taking place had disappeared, (how else would a yandere get away with murdering people in incredibly obvious places than enlisting the help of a magical shrub to clean up after him?)


I edited this chapter while listening to In the Hall of the Mountain King. #Noregrets.

Also, no chibi today, sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, also, I am switching back to the Butterfly Bracelet for the final time, so you can look forward to that being updated tomorrow.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now