15. Sickeningly Sweet.

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Y/N was awoken by the sound of knocking on her bedroom door. She sat up and the first thing she noticed was how much her head hurt. In a flash, she remembered that she had been abducted and her capture had confessed to killing over thirty people.

After that Y/N had run back to her room and shut herself inside, (but she didn't barricade the door with the furniture in the room because she was an unresourceful idiot,) and cried herself to sleep. That explained why she had woken up with tired eyes and a burning throat.

Y/N was startled out of her thoughts when another set of soft knocks could be heard on the wood of the door. She quickly backed up against the headboard and pulled her blankets over her head. (If she couldn't see her problems, her problems didn't exist.)

"I'm coming in, my treasured blossom, I can't wait to see your pretty face anymore," Oyama's voice chirped from the other side of the door as he pushed it open.

"Where are youuuu?" He called playfully as he looked around the darkened bedroom. Y/N had started shaking under her blankets but didn't say anything, hoping that for some reason Oyama wouldn't notice her terrible hiding place.

"There you are!" He exclaimed in triumph as his graey eyes landed on Y/N's form sitting upright covered in blankets like a ghost. His cheerful tone faltered when he noticed that Y/N was shaking. "What's wrong, my treasured blossom? Did you have a nightmare?"

Y/N heard him set something down before she felt the edge of the bed sink down as he sat on it. Oyama patted her head through the blankets, trying to comfort her. "Don't be frightened, it was only a bad dream. You're here with me and you're safe."

If Y/N wasn't scared for her very life she would have laughed at the sheer hypocrisy of what Oyama had said. It was comical just how oblivious he was to how the whole ordeal made Y/N feel.

"Don't worry, my treasured blossom, I killed everyone who would go looking for you so that you can live out the rest of your days in this house," he said as he continued to pat her head. "Isn't it wonderful my treasured blossom?"

Not waiting for Y/N to answer he happily continued, "I mean, why would you ever want an education, or friends, or a social life when you have me? I will take care of everything for you. I'll work around the house, I'll get a job to support us too. I'll give you massages and do whatever else you want as long as you become my girlfriend and agree to never see the light of day again."

Again, not giving Y/N the chance to speak, the overly-cliche yandere pulled the blankets off Y/N's head and wrapped them snuggly around her shoulders, muttered something about not wanting her to be cold.

After that, he stood up and walked over to the desk where he had placed a tray containing an overly-delicious-looking-but-also-overly-cliche-anime-breakfast. He returned to his spot on the bed, tray in hand. "I made you breakfast, my treasured blossom."

"You made all this?!" Y/N asked, impressed despite herself. There were expertly pouched eggs, slices of both savory and sweet french toast, perfectly crisp bacon, and buttermilk pancakes that looked like they belonged in an IHOP commercial. "You must really like to cook."

"Oh no, not really," Oyama replied lightly. "I haven't practiced cooking a day in my life. Unlike most teenage boys who would set a bowl of cereal on fire trying to pour milk on it, I have been gifted with intuitive cooking abilities because I'm a male in a romance novel."

Y/N eyed the food suspiciously, not wanting to eat anything her capture gave her even though the smell of it was causing her stomach to growl obnoxiously in hunger.

"You don't have to worry about allergies," Oyama piped up, assuming that Y/N was hesitating to eat the food because she had sensitivities, and not because it had been made by someone who killed over 30 people and papered all the walls in his house with pictures of her. "Since I have been following you around, I've done my best to take note of any food allergies you have, along with your favorite meals. Don't worry though, even if you are allergic to something in the breakfast, because it's all organic-anime-food, you can eat it all without any negative effects."

"Well, that's a relief," Y/N said as she started eating the breakfast. (Honestly, sometimes Y/N makes such poor decisions that she doesn't deserve to continue living.) "I was definitely concerned about whether the food was organic, and not that you might have put a narcotic, or fingernails in it."

Oyama just sat there and watched Y/N as she ate in silence. In total silence. After she finished he took the tray and leaned in, pecking her on the cheek before she could move way. Quickly retreating out of Y/N's personal space Oyama headed to the door.

"I can conveniently get food online, and go to school online as well, and I have no reason at all to leave the house, but I am conveniently going out for an unspecified reason," Oyama told Y/N as he stopped, part of the way through the door. "Please don't feel like you need to stay cooped up in your bedroom while I'm away. You are free to go anywhere in the house except for the basement."

Slowly closing the door behind him he called, "goodbye, my treasured blossom. I won't be gone long, I promise.


It's cliche food I know, but the description of Y/N's breakfast has my mouthwatering. I should probably go eat something now.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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