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"Congratulations" is all I kept hearing as I make my way around my graduation party my dad decides to throw me.

My dad, Matt Martin, is making a big deal of something most people go through. He says it has to do with me being his first child, but I know it's really just an excuse to host people around to celebrate. Our house is always open; I can't remember the last time he didn't have some sort of guest over.

As I walk around my party I can't help but notice who was actually invited. There's my parents, sister, relatives, and my dads team, the New York Islanders. He also invited some friends from school and his old teammates from the Toronto Maple Leafs seeing as its the off-season.

It's basically a very big event.

I'm snapped out of my people watching by some of my dads teammates coming over to my hideout: Mat Barzal and Anthony Beauvillier.

"I'm pretty sure the star of the party's supposed to be able to be found." Barzy states as he sits down next to me.

"Well Im pretty sure that I can do as I want seeing as it is my party." I snap back.

"Not a big fan of your own party?" Beau asks taking a seat to the other side of me.

"Im grateful really, but it's just a lot"

"Would sneaking you a drink help?" Beau asks.

"Dude she's not legal"

"I am in Canada" I butt in to the argument the two are now having.

"Well we're not in Canada" Mat says before returning to his disagreement with Beau.

"Well we're all Canadian so it's fine" Beau states before leaving to get me a drink.


The two of us sit here waiting for Beau to come back with drinks I let my mind wander. The whole reason I find myself not enjoying the party as much as I should is because of my mother.

My parents had me when they were only 16 years old, both too young to raise a baby and unable to fully commit to each other let alone a child.

Once I was born, my mother left my dad to raise me by himself. Luckily he didn't let me stop him from his dream and brought me along through every milestone of his career.

Soon my dad started dating Sydney before marrying her and having my sister, and now getting ready to welcome another. I love Sydney and see her as my own mom. She is my mom even if not by blood, and it only made it more true when she officially adopted me.

I don't miss my birth mom, but I can't help but think if what could've been or the reason she didn't even try to be my mom.

At this point my mind is spiraling due to these thoughts and it only stops when my face is met with Mats concern filled eyes.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Nothing." I lie. I'm not about to be the reason other people are in a shit mood.

"We both know that's not true." he states.


"I've got the drinks" Beau exclaims joining us.

Saved by the bell.

I quickly take my drink and chug it down before grabbing the other one Beau brought for himself. I open the can only to feel two pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Someone wants to get us in trouble" Beau mumbles.


"You're only gonna get yourself drunk which will inevitably lead to your dad finding out we gave you the alcohol"

"Not us, just you." Mat points out.

"It's fine. I'm going to college anyways. It was bound to happen sometime soon" I say before finishing off the second drink.

"Let's go get more drinks!"

Authors Note:
Please vote, comment, and leave some ideas. Please don't be a silent reader.
I hope  you guys enjoy my story so far and continue to read along.

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