Chapter 28 Warm & Fuzzy

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💖Another baby I held in my palm only a few short months ago!💖

Now lets read...

I spooned the last bite of ice cream into my mouth with the usual feelings of regret I always felt when taking the last spoonful of my favorite treat. I had a strange attachment to food that I was sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with. I couldn't help it though. There was just something a little sad about taking the last bite of something that had brought me so much pleasure by tasting so good!

I said as much to Pierce and it made him laugh out loud, the husky sound doing funny but nice things to my insides.

I wasn't a particularly witty person and I had never felt compelled to try and be, but hearing the attractive sound as well as seeing his face flush with laughter made me want to start trying.

"Want to take a walk?" Pierce asked me as we started walking towards the exit. "You know, so I can keep my lean physique," he said with a teasing smirk, his hand sweeping down his body with a sassy flare.

I blushed, recalling my earlier comment. Leave it to him to remind me of it. I was starting to think he just liked making me blush.

I rolled my eyes at him in response before nodding my head, pushing open the door and stepping out into the balmy night.

I barely saw or heard Bruce and Khai as they stepped in behind us. Their stealthy skills were pretty amazing. I only stiffened briefly before I relaxed. I also saw Pierce glance down at my hesitation but he didn't comment once I seemed fine and looked forward again.

I appreciated his ignoring my moment of anxiousness as much as I did his concern. He didn't make a fuss and he didn't point it out, he had just waited to see if I asked him for help. His subtle support gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

We walked along the sidewalk, our fingertips brushing casually. I didn't retreat from the contact as would have been my natural instinct only a few weeks ago. He didn't step away from me either and neither did he push for more. It was comfortable and companionable and I enjoyed this walk in a way I didn't know a walk could be enjoyed.

"Is it okay if I ask another nosy curiosity question?"

I side eyed him and cocked my head. It was my only response but he seemed to understand going by the deep chuckle that rumbled out softly into the night.

"I understand," he said holding his hand up in a sign of peace. "I'd like to think we've graduated past that but if you still have doubts, I can promise to be on my best behavior."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," I retorted, surprising myself a bit.

I wasn't the type to hold grudges and he and I had moved beyond our first encounter, but he had also been extremely rude back then and had yet to really explain why. At this stage, it wouldn't really hurt to remind him that I hadn't liked it then and it wouldn't be tolerated now. He knew I was shy and had anxiety, I didn't want it to give him the impression that that made me a pushover.

Pierce stopped walking and turned towards me, a look of admiration on his face. He placed his hand over his heart. A sincere expression replaced his smiling approval.

"I promise that I will have impeccable manners throughout tonight and behave myself as..." he paused here and looked down at me, a mischievous twinkle lighting his eyes. "Well as much as you want me to," he finished and heat once again bloomed across my cheeks at his provocative teasing.

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