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Roxanne's chest felt lighter as she exit the Alpha's office

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Roxanne's chest felt lighter as she exit the Alpha's office. Once, a wolf marks and mates with another she wolf who isn't his soulmate, the bond with his real mate gets severed and hence, Roxanne didn't feel an ounce of pain. But, if one of the mates mark and mate with their chosen mate despite having found their soulmate, they can still feel their bond. Some wolves believe it to be a curse for the ones who reject their mates and mate with another and this curse had now fallen upon Draco.

Seth sat in his sister's bedroom watching the packers and movers pack her stuff, his wolf grumbling and growling in his head to punish the one who caused his sister pain but he couldn't do a thing. No one could prove that his sister was mates with his soon to be Alpha because now he had a chosen mate.

Roxanne walked through the pack lands smiling and waving at everyone, she was very much loved in the pack for her nature and she was going to be missed. Her suitcases had been packed and she was boarding her flight in six hours, and for the first time in the last seven days she found herself smiling. Maybe, moving packs wasn't a bad idea.

Meanwhile, Draco stood by his window watching the lush green canopy trees scattered around, a loose arm draped around his torso causing him to stiffen. Leah kissed his clothes shoulder and smiled,

"Isn't it good? She finally left us alone." Leah exclaimed with a wide grin on her lips.

"Yes." Draco said, his voice cold. He didn't know how to feel, he met Leah four years ago in the training camp for soon to be Alphas; One look at her enchanting grey eyes and he was lost, he knew she wasn't his mate but he loved her. Leah had moved packs four and a half years ago and hence, he was quite surprised to see her delivering his necessities from his pack. They had bonded and formed a romantic relationship behind everyone's back, because being with someone who isn't your mate was frowned upon. She often complained to him about how inconsiderate and manipulative Roxanne was and how she would often assault her but since, Leah didn't have any friends she had no choice but to stay friends with Roxanne, he felt pity for the girl and swore to avenge her. So when he found out that Roxanne was his mate and his girlfriend's supposed tormentor, both him and Leah hatched a plan to break her and punish her. Every thing was a plan, those dates, those kisses, those sleepless night and the love making; A plan to break her. But he always had his doubts, the pack adored Roxanne which according to Leah was the resultant of her manipulation plus, Leah's parents too were quite negative about Roxanne. Hence, he trusted them and hurt his mate to be with the girl he loves. Little did he know that it was all a game of manipulation, Leah was the mastermind behind it. Her power hungry self made her commit those unforgivable sins. 

Draco sighed heavily, his wolf growled in his head. He wasn't happy and needed his true mate and was threatening to leave Draco if he doesn't fulfil his demands. 


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