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Dear Readers/ Wattpadians!

Here are some of the instructions for the book,

1. There will be no second chance mates; there will instances of chosen mates but no second chances mates.

2. The words of 'Rejection' don't exist in this book, meaning the bond between two wolfs who are mates will be severed the moment one mates and marks another - chooses another mate.

3. After the supposed rejection, a part of meaning the wolf of the Person who had rejected or left their true soul mate to mate and mark another will still be tied to their actual mates. This is a supposed curse from the Moon Goddess, that the ones who defy and deny their true mate of their love and care and mate with another will always feel the pain of their actual soulmate mating or dying after they have rejected them. But, the one rejected won't feel a thing, for them the bond will be totally severed.

4. Male wolves in my book will be closer to their Mothers, since I firmly believe that ones life begins with the Mother's care and nurture especially for animals so I have structured my characters in such a way where they (The male wolves particularly) will be extremely protective of their mothers and losing their birth giver will a but more painful than losing their mates. 

5. Female wolves, once mated will be equally possessive of their mates just like Male wolves.

6. I believe that animals are much more expressive. And since this is a werewolf book, I have structured the characters in such a way that a male wolf crying or sobbing or simply expressing themselves won't be frowned upon, a man can be expressive with their emotions and also be an 'ALPHA' male at the same time. I don't want male characters who hide out their emotions and show signs of toxicity. SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE MALE LEADS WHO CRY, OR LAUGH OR SIMPLY BECOME EXPRESSIVE THEN THIS BOOK ISN'T FOR YOU.

- K.

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