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Chapter 12: (Ethan's POV)

We got through the whole week, making our act more convincing as time went on and today was Friday. Apparently, I'm all Olivia's today. It's a date, she said. It'll be fun, she said. What she didn't say was that this date was going to be sitting there while she gets her hair and nails done. 

"Couldn't you be doing this yourself?" I asked, sitting in the chair beside hers. 

"No, it's boring when you're alone," she shrugged. 

"It's not fun to get your hair dyed? On your own? Your hair? What is wrong with you?" I mumbled, shaking my head. 

"It's not fun coming here on my own," she whined, "I usually bring Sky but she's busy, she's got dinner with her cousins who are visiting," she explained. 

"What are you even doing to your hair? It looks fine," I groaned, looking at the hairdresser who was putting her hair in foils, painting like he was painting a canvas. 

"I'm getting my highlights touched up, Ethan," she said. 

"You look like Edward Scissorhands but with foils in his hair," I mumbled. 

"Ethan, they're highlights, I'm not changing my hair color completely," she scoffed. 

"So, you're telling me your hair isn't really like that?" 

"You've seen me since preschool, you tell me. Was my hair like this?" 

Now that I think about it... "Yes, I don't see a difference," I huffed. 

"It's little strands, I see the difference," she shrugged, "I get it done for me." 

"And we're going to get your nails done after this?" I sighed. She nodded lightly. "Can't I just leave?" I asked. 

"Nope," she said. 

"Why?" I huffed. 

"Cause you're a nice boyfriend," she glanced at me, shooting me a pointed look. 

"Right," I nodded. Her hair took about an hour. An hour of me just sitting there while she blabbered on. 

"Thank you, Stacy," she grinned as we left. 

"Now?" I huffed. 

"Now," she linked her arm with mine, "The nail salon." 

"Which is where?" I questioned. 

"Across the street," she grinned. I groaned as we walked in there. "Hi, Zach," she smiled. 

"Hey honey," he said while sitting down. "What are we doing today?" he asked. 

She turned to me while I sat on the stool beside her chair. "What?" I asked in confusion. 

She rolled her eyes, "Can I see the color options, and then I'll tell you what we're doing," she smiled. 

"Sure thing, I'll be back in a minute then," he said while standing up. 

"Pick a color," she said, handing me the set.

"Are you serious?" I deadpanned. 

"Yes," she nodded. 

I sighed, looking at all the options. "That one," I said, pointing to a royal blue one. 

"See? It's not so hard," she smirked. 

Zach came back and grabbed all things needed and started on her nails. "This one?" he asked. She nodded. While doing her nails, he started talking to her. "And who is this?" he asked, glancing at me. 

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