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Chapter 27: (Olivia's POV)

"And that's your homework," our teacher said as the bell rang. 

I sighed, grabbing my things, and getting out of there. "Olivia!" I turned around in confusion, seeing Daniel jogging up to me.

"Hi," I smiled. 

"Hi, do you have a minute?" he asked. 

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I asked, walking with him. 

"Nothing with me, I just heard you and Ethan had a fight, I was just worried," he shrugged. 

"He said we had a fight?" I frowned in confusion. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I wasn't even that upset with him. He didn't even really yell at me, he just... yelled. 

"Uh, yeah. Didn't you?" Daniel questioned. 

"I don't um... I..." 

"Anyway, are you coming today? We were all supposed to hang out, right?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I don't really know about that, maybe I'll talk to Ethan and let you know? I mean, if we're fighting, which we apparently are then..." I trailed off with a small shrug. 

"Right, right, makes sense. Anyway, I'll uh see you around?" 

I nodded, "Bye." 

"Bye," he smiled, jogging to catch up with someone in the crowd we were all a part of. He bumped into someone. I couldn't see, I just saw Daniel's back and the top of someone's head. "Sorry, man," Daniel laughed before continuing. 

I stopped at my locker, not thinking anything of it. I dropped my notebook. I clicked my tongue in frustration, kneeling to pick it up. When I stood up, I saw Daniel coming back. I watched carefully as he exchanged words with someone. That someone turned around and was... Justin? 

What the- 

I stood up, still watching Daniel's retreating figure while blindly digging around in my bag. I snapped out of it when my locker door was slammed shut. I gasped, turning to the front. 

"Can't you answer your damn phone? I've been looking everywhere for you!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Really?" I scoffed, "Why? I thought we were fighting," I mumbled, opening my locker and putting the extra books back. 

"What?" he frowned, seemingly confused. 

"What?" I rolled my eyes, turning to him. 

"We're fighting? Jesus, Olive, it's not that big of a deal, why are we fighting?" 

"You're fighting?" I looked to my right and saw Skylar. 

"Apparently," Ethan shrugged. 

"But you-" I tried to explain.

"No buts. Kiss and make up. We're all hanging out so grab your bags. Austin said he'll send you the location, see you there," Skylar sang while heading to the exit. I stared at Ethan, extremely confused. 

Daniel just said that Ethan told him we were fighting. 

Then why is Ethan so clueless? 

"But you..." I trailed off, staring at him quizzically. 

"What?" he whined, leaning against the locker beside mine, tilting his head to the side as he stared at me. "What did I do?" he pouted. 

"Didn't you tell D-" 

"Hey!" We both turned around to see Daniel standing there. "Are you guys coming?" he asked. 

Ethan turned to me expectantly. "Up to you," he shrugged. 

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