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I claim a sick day to explain my absence at work the next day, but I know I can't do that forever, so once I've bundled myself into a taxi on the way to Katie's house, I decide I need to do something about it.

After a fair bit of debate, I decide to just call Mr Garth. This last week we'd had a few meetings together to figure out swapping employees around because of this new book he wants to put out and we were supposed to have another one today, so I decide this is the best option.


'Hi, Mr Garth, it's Cora Westfield,' I say quickly, my voice slightly squeaky.

I'm not really sure why I'm so nervous to phone him and explain the situation, but the idea intimidates me for some reason.

'Cora,' he replies immediately. 'I wanted to have a meeting with you today, but I hear that you've called in sick.'

I swallow, running a hand down the side of my face. 'Yeah, I... I have.'

'Is everything okay?' he checks, his tone changing from slightly intimidating to a little softer.

I'm immediately struck by the kindness in his voice. I'm not really sure how to explain that I just got on the next flight to San Francisco without so much as telling him, though.

'Yeah, I just... There's been a family emergency and I've just landed in San Francisco,' I eventually say, rushing over my words. 'I bought a flexi flight so I can return as soon as possible, but I'm not sure when that'll be yet. I'm just in the taxi now-'

'Cora, it's fine,' Mr Garth interrupts me, the epitome of calm and collected. 'Family emergencies are never good and you work hard. Take the rest of this week off and phone me at the weekend to let me know how you're doing. We'll keep you up to date via email but don't check them until you've actually come back to work. Take care of yourself and your situation first, all right?'

I nearly burst into tears at his words. I manage a wobbly, 'Thank you,' but nothing else.

He coughs, perhaps uncomfortable at my emotion. 'Let me know if there's anything I can do.'

I'm really caught off guard by this. He's always been a good boss and most people only have good things to say about him, but this feels like it's going above and beyond what's necessary.

Maybe if we were good friends, or if I'd actually explained the situation to him, I'd be less surprised, but he just took my word for it that I'm having a family emergency. For all he knows, I could be on a week-long holiday in Barbados right now and he'd be none the wiser.

'Thanks,' I croak, knowing that my lacklustre reply doesn't really cover it. 'I think we'll be okay, but thank you. Really.'

'Not a problem,' Mr Garth replies lightly, his voice all calm and collected, which is so far from how I feel right now. 'Listen, I'm just about to go into a meeting, but do keep in touch, all right? Let me know by Saturday how things are looking and if you need more time off, that won't be a problem. We're a big company but we care about our employees.'

I babble out something emotional before he hangs up. It's actually perfect timing, because the taxi pulls to a halt outside my sister's house.

She lives in the suburbs, in a small house that she and Stephen bought together around six months ago. There's a little garden in the front with some potted plants and a small section of grass that looks very well-kept.

Stepping outside the taxi, I'm reminded once more about how much warmer it is here than New York. I take my denim jacket off, resting it over my arm.

I've never visited her at this house, but she sent me a plethora of pictures when they first moved in and it looks to be the right place. So, I thank the taxi driver and take my luggage from her.

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