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Draco and [y/n]'s requirements, concerning employment under Minerva Mcgonagall


1. Don't tell Harry

2. Don't tell anyone

3. Draco needs to stop telling [y/n] to watch her mouth

4. [y/n] needs to stop prying into Draco's love life

5. Draco and [y/n] need to focus on the rules

6. Whatever Potter wants, Potter gets, because Potter isn't hiding, and we don't want to seem suspicious

7. Draco needs to stop thinking these rules are stupid

8. [y/n] needs to stop calling Draco a ferret

9. Draco and [y/n] need to stop fighting

10. If someone breaks a rule, they are lawfully allowed to be punched in the face

11. [y/n] needs to stop reminding Draco that he was punched in the face TWICE HAHAHAHAHHAHAH

12. [y/n] needs to stop writing 'hahahahahaha' because it's incredibly immature

13. Draco and [y/n] aren't allowed to lie to each other

14. Draco isn't allowed to steal potions anymore

15. [y/n] and Draco need to buy watches, because they are late for class

16. [y/n] and Draco will finish this conversation later

REQUIREMENTS | DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now