41 | Goodbye

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I feel so bad for the past few chapters, so I thought this gif would cheer you up....?
I hope? not funny? okay my humor is broken anyways, hehehe :)
and NO, this is not the end!!!!!!!!

∞ ϟ



"SHE'S NOT WELL, ALBUS," Mcgonagall whispered, "you should have seen how they found her."

I was lying in my hospital bed, my face pressed into the pillow numbly. Hours had gone by since I last saw Draco, hours of people lingering outside the Medical wing, whispering about what they thought happened. I felt like an animal.

Kept in a cage and put on display.

All the teachers were gathered around my bed, engaged in a conversation about my future. They thought I was sleeping. I wasn't. I was listening, because it was the only thing I could do.

"Enlighten me, Minerva," the headmaster's voice rang out, "how was she found."

How was I found? I don't remember much.

"Pomfrey found her and Mr. Malfoy on the floor," Mcgonagall muttered, clicking her tongue, "the poor boy wouldn't let go of her, and she kept screaming his name when he was forced to leave."

"And they've been in relations, hm?"

"If it wasn't obvious before, it's obvious now," Hooch added, "never in all my years have I ever seen a Malfoy cry."

"At least not in public," Snape muttered.

I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I couldn't help it. I've seen Draco cry. Many times now. And every single time it broke my heart to see it, because it was painful to watch. But now....now it was different. This time I was the cause of his crying.

Another tack on my list of faults.

"You know half of the students are whispering," Mcgonagall added, "I've heard them."

Sprout shifted in her chair, "and what exactly is it their whispering about?"

"They're all saying she's to blame for Cedric's death."

"And isn't she?"

"Quite the contrary," Albus muttered, "only dark magic could have killed Mr. Diggory, and while [y/n] is a bright student, she was never trained in that area of expertise."

Snape scoffed, "all one needs is to mutter two words."

"Are you implying that this girl is a murderer, Severus?"

I could almost hear the frown written across Snape's lips. He tolerated me in the beginning, but now that he knows I was at fault for dragging Draco into this mess, he seemed less inclined to back me with trust.

No one trusted me anymore.

"I'm only stating the obvious," the potions master muttered, "if she didn't kill Mr. Diggory, who did?"

Mcgonagall pursed her lips, "we were informed of Barty Crouch's involvement, and he has been sent to trial as we speak."

"But Barty couldn't have done this."

"But Tom could..." I heard Dumbledore mutter, "I'm beginning to think the rumors of his returns are true."

A silence fell around the room, nobody daring to say a word. All except one was scared of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and to admit to such a horrible truth was dangerous in itself.

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