Comfort. 10

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'Mike, Why won't you believe me?' 'Do you really think I should believe you Lynne, when you go to Chicago for weeks..weeks Lynne just for business?'

'Mike..I..' Lynne stood their speechless, her eyes looking down at the floor. 'Lynne, I know all about you and that Todd guy.. but I never even thought that you would do this to our son..' Mike shook his head sadly.
'There was never an Us, Mike..Todd gives me the love and life I deserve besides I have already signed for an-' 'Enough Lynne, Enough with all the...' He sighed.

'Why don't you just go back?'

Ricky tossed and turned in bed uncomfortably. He just couldnt sleep with all the commotion downstairs. He tried covering his ears with a pillow, he could still hear them. He just threw the pillow across the room and turned to face the ceiling, and stared at it, hoping to fall asleep.

They have been fighting for like at least 5 months now.. When will this stop..? Mom comes home rarely, she's always going on business trips to Chicago for weeks.. Dad does everything for me. Does mom still love me? Will they- No, they love each other too much for all that. Will things ever go back to normal?

He got up and went downstairs to the living room where Lynne and Mike stood, a few feet apart, pointing fingers at each other and arguing. They stopped as soon as they saw Ricky descend the stairs. 'What's going on, Mom? Dad?' 'Its just a small difference if opinion, bud. Its all good now, you can go back to sleep.'Mike replied, trying to avoid another argument with her, now in front of Ricky. 'Is it really, Mike? Is it rEalLy all good now?' she said her voice dripping with sarcasm. 'This is not the time Lynne.' 'Its never the time, isn't it Mike, you are always too busy..' she replied snarkily.

'Guys, guys..' Ricky tried to intervene.'Why did you ever come back? Just go and leave us alone.We were just fine without you.' he shouted, angrily.
'I came here to spend time with Richard, and now that I know, I'm booking the next flight back.' she said. Ricky could feel his eyes welling up with tears. He never thought that his parents would argue or fight like this. They had been through so many ups and downs together. They continued to argue. 'I've had enough of this. I'm leaving, don't come looking for me both of you, leave me alone.' Ricky said, angrily and grabbed his jacket and skateboard and slammed the door loudly. Ricky kept the skateboard down on the concrete and plugged in his earphones and skated aimlessly, lost in thought.

I just needed company now
Yeah, I just needed someone around
Yeah, I don't care what song that we play
Or mess that we make
Just company now
Comfort crowd

His legs brought him to Nini's house. He hastily wiped his tears with his sleeve and rang the doorbell. Carol opened the door.
'Hey Ricky, are you okay? ' she asked gently. 'Um, there's something going on at home, can I uh..' 'Yes, Ricky, you can stay here for the night. Come in.''
He stepped inside and kept his skateboard and helmet to the side. 'Nini's upstairs in her room, Did you have dinner?' 'No, uhm, I'm not that hungry.' he said and went upstairs. Her door was half open. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was sitting on her bed, playing some tunes on her keyboard and scribbling something in her song book. He knocked on the door. 'Um, Can I come in?' She lifted her head 'Uh, yeah, come in.' He went in and sat on her bed in silence. Nini noticed his tear stained cheeks immediately. He wasnt his usual cheery, goofy self, ever since his parents used to have quarrels over the silliest of things. It broke her heart to see him like this. They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Ricky sat there staring at his hands.

Nini decided to break the silence. 'What do you wanna do?' 'Neens, honestly, anything that will take my mind off things.' 'How about we watch a movie?' 'Yeah okay.' he replied, in a bland tone.

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫 - 𝖆 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝖆𝖚Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt