41. Chocolate or Strawberry?

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Brain is still processing...

Still processing...

It is still processing...how much longer?

Shut up and wait...

Processing done!

He said that he loves you. 

WHAT? I stared at Taehyung and he was just smiling like he hadn't said or done anything.

"Huh?" that was all that could come out of my mouth at that time. He pouted and he kissed me again.

"I love you."

"You don't," I immediately said and he crossed his arms in front of his chest in anger.

"As if you know what my heart feels." His heart? Does he actually mean it? No way can he love me. We had a deal not to fall in love with one another. If he was lying or teasing me, I would have known. But they say that drunk people often say the truth most of the time. I hope what he said right now was not the truth.

"Look Taehyung. I can't love you, okay? You may love me but we have made a contract not to fall in love with each other. Even if you confess your feelings to me, I will have to reject you."

"You are lying," he started to wail and I just remained muted. I could have just kept quiet and nodded instead of actually telling the truth. He is drunk and there is no way he would remember whatever happened now. Jungkook, you are fricking dumb! "You like strawberry! I knew it. You don't love me, but you love strawberry more than me."

Strawberry!? Hold on...what the hell was he even talking about? And where the heck did strawberry even pop out from?

"What do you mean by strawberry?" I asked him and he pouted at me in a cute way. Seriously, he is so adorable! Uhmm...I didn't say that. That was some ghost who possessed me for like a second. Some ghost fan of Taehyung. Yeah...hehehe...not me at all.

"You like vanilla and strawberry and not vanilla and chocolate. You are so mean," he started to hit my shoulders. I like vanilla and strawberry? When did I say that? And plus, I still haven't tried that combination.

"I still don't get it," I said and it was probably the biggest mistake I did because he got off of my lap and ran to one corner and wailed loudly. Shit! He is crying now! Where is my phone? I need to google 'How to handle drunk, crying teenagers?'. 

"You don't love chocolate at all. You only love strawberry, don't you?" he sobbed and I scratched my head as I thought of what he could possibly be saying to me. Who said I don't like chocolate? I can't live without chocolate in my life.

"Uhmm...Taehyung...why exactly are you talking about strawberries?" I asked him and he turned around and stared at me with those red, puffy eyes. He actually cried because I like strawberries. Why was he so jealous of strawberries? What had strawberries ever done to him?

"That fricking virus," he snapped at me and turned back to face the wall. Virus...LEISHI VIRUS? He was talking about Leishi. Vanilla and strawberry...blonde and pink hair. Holy shit! He was talking about her. She was strawberry! And I must be vanilla since he said to me before that I smelled like vanilla. Then...chocolate is him. 

"Taehyung," I walked towards him and ruffled his hair, "How many times did I tell you that I don't like strawberry?"

"Then who do you love—chocolate or strawberry?" he asked me and I sighed.

"No one." When I said that he started to wail again and I face-palmed myself.

"You are simply saying that," he said and I looked at him in between my fingers, "Then why did you kiss me four times?"

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