ch 42 : hermione's army

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The first few weeks of school went by quickly. You kept your head down, tried to get all your homework done, and split your free time between George, Susan, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

You had spent a lot of time with George, complaining about Professor Umbridge, who was cruel and harsh. George always just listened and rubbed your back or played with your hair to calm you as you spoke, and this was especially helpful after you found out about Umbridge using her torture quill on Harry. You were livid when you found out, and George's calming gestures and funny jokes helped you to catch your breath again.

You had managed to avoid this same punishment from Professor Umbridge, but it felt like the pink-coated Professor was always watching you.

You and George became increasingly agitated as she would drive apart any couples in the corridors. One day, you and George were holding hands as you walked to dinner. You were practically jumping up and down as you told George about how well your potion had gone in class that day. Professor Snape had even murmured, "Good," after checking your potion. While you were beaming at George and happily telling him all of this, Umbridge spied your joined fingers and casted a spell to tear your hands apart, staring at you with a snarky smile when your heads turned and found her already looking at you.

You didn't know a single student who hadn't been feeling annoyed by the state of Hogwarts under Umbridge's rule, and every time she was given more power, you felt your dread rise up even higher.

As you, George, and Fred were studying in the Gryffindor common room late one night, Harry, Hermione, and Ron stumbled in during a heated discussion. Hermione's eyes settled on you with a break in their conversation. You noticed Harry shaking his head rapidly at Hermione, but you saw a fire in Hermione's eyes and knew that she wasn't going to back down from whatever it was they were discussing.

Hermione remarked, "I think that Y/N can choose for herself, Harry. Can't you, Y/N?"

Blinking and carefully shutting your potions book, you trailed, "Choose what?" You looked at George and Fred who both frowned and shrugged, their own curious eyes landing on the trio as well.

Harry rolled his eyes while Ron pleaded, "Hermione, no."

"Do you want to actually learn how to defend yourself, Y/N? Because your brother somehow thinks that you don't need that information," Hermione huffed. She crossed her arms and shot Harry a fierce glare.

You felt lost but knew that you were being thrown into the middle of their conflict. You questioned, "What are you talking about? We can't do that right now because of Umbridge."

Hermione scanned the otherwise empty common room and remarked, "We're starting a group where Harry can teach us how to defend ourselves. The Ministry may be wanting to make us defenseless, but we won't allow them to put us in danger by refusing to teach us the necessary defense skills!"

Harry still looked ruffled while Ron had gingerly taken a step away from the fuming Hermione. George blinked and taunted, "Wow. It's been a while since I've seen you that angry, Granger. I'm in, at least. When are we training for Hermione's Army?"

You softly giggled at George's jokes and added, "Yes, I think it would be important to learn to protect myself in that case. I still don't know how to cast a Patronus spell; I can't imagine what would have happened if it had been me with Dudley in that alley."

You shivered at the thought, so George tucked you into his side. He didn't like to think about that scenario either, hoping that you would never have to defend yourself from a dementor. He was trying to be realistic though, and he knew that he would feel much better if he knew that you would be able to protect yourself if you found herself in danger.

Fred added, "I'll be there too, Granger. Consider me your most attractive recruit." Fred winked at Hermione before his eyes drifted over to George who had scoffed at his comment.

Your horrid thought seemed to resonate with Harry who finally decided, "Okay. I guess it might be good for you to learn, Y/N... Hermione is figuring out the location now, but we'll keep you three posted."

Harry stalked off with this comment, and Ron hurried behind him. Hermione just glared at the two boys before plopping down on the couch next to you. She ran a hand over her face before retorting, "Those two can be so dense sometimes."

George chuckled, "Yeah, our baby brother can be a bit aloof."

"I mean, he still hasn't figured out what that cologne meant," Fred teased with a smug smile casted in Hermione's direction.

She lifted her hand and pointed at the two boys, threatening, "You better not tell a soul about that, or you will be sorry. I can assure you of that." Hermione stormed off after that comment, the red-haired twins making brief eye contact as she fled the room.

After a moment, you sighed, "I should go talk to her. I'll see you boys later." You shoved your things into your bag and raced up the tower after Hermione but not before blowing the two boys a kiss.

" You shoved your things into your bag and raced up the tower after Hermione but not before blowing the two boys a kiss

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